Functions Library
CAWI Client Side Scripts
- stgSurveyUserGlobalVarsSet
- stgSurveyUserGlobalVarsGet
- stgUserGlobalVarsGet
- stgSurveyGlobalVarsSet
- stgSurveyGlobalVarsGet
- stgGlobalVarsSet
Question/Answer/Topic Format
- SetTopicFontScale
- SetQuestionTopicFontScalePercent
- SetQuestionFontScalePercent
- SetQuestionFontScale
- SetQuestionAnswerFontScalePercent
- SetAnswerFontScale
Callback Functions
- ConnectionMgr.GetWiFiSignal()
- OnSurveyQCFlagChanged()
- Uploading data of stopped interviews
- OnQuestionsQCCalculated()
- OnPreparePage()
- OnGetAttachmentSinkQuestion()
General Functions
- ConnectionManager Functions and Properties
- stringContains
- SendSMSMessage()
- RedirectTo
- SendEmail()
- SetChapterReadOnly
Set Answers/Topics
- SetTopicAnswerVisible
- SetMultiTopicsVisible
- SetMultiAnswersVisible
- ResetTopicText
- ResetAnswerText
- SubjectData
Retrieve Answers/Topics
- IsTopicAnswerVisible
- ContainsChoiceOneOf
- GetNumOfTopicsNotBelowValue
- GetNumOfTopicsNotAboveValue
- CheckTopicsMinValue
- CheckTopicsMaxValue
- dblFilterTopicsByAnswersByText
- dblFilterAnswersByAnswersByText
- SetTopicVisible
- SetAnswerVisible
- FilterTopicsByAnswers
- FilterTopicsByTopics
Text Piping
- SetInstructionsTextFormat
- SetInstructionsText
- SetText
- SetTopicTextFormat
- SetAnswerTextFormat
- SetTextFormat
Date/Time Functions
See all 24 articlesExecution Manager Functions
GPS Functions
See all 15 articlesRandomization Functions
- GetChaptersRandomOrder
- GetQuestionsRandomOrder
- GetQuestionAnswersRandomOrder
- GetQuestionTopicsRandomOrder
- ReRandomizeIterations
- Random
Interview Accessible Variables
Iterations Functions
- ClearWasAnsweredAllIterations
- GetQuestionIterations
- IterationName
- IterationIndex
- GetQuestionIterationsNames
- GetChapterIterationsNames
Subject Store / External List / List Source
- dblGetSubjectStoreRow
- AddExternalListAnswerOtherSpecifyIter
- AddExternalListAnswerOtherSpecify
- AddExternalListAnswerIter
- AddExternalListAnswer
- FillFromStore
Captured Attachments (Image/Audio/Video)
- RemoveAttachmentByName
- Video Recording
- GetAttachmentByName
- GetAttachmentID
- GetAttachment
- GetRecordingLengthInSeconds