Variable Name | Type | Description |
DeviceIndex | Int32 | A Running index created each time an interview is started. This is regardless the survey or surveyor. Each new interview will get a new DeviceIndex associated with it |
DeviceID | Int32 | A unique number identifying an installation |
SID | Int32 | Holds a unique identifier of a combination User/Device |
SurveyIndex | Int32 | A Running index created each time an interview is started for a specific survey on a device |
DisplaySurveyIndex | string | A combination of the <SID>-<SurveyIndex> |
DisplayDeviceIndex | string | A combination of D<SID>-<DeviceIndex> |
DeviceVersion | string | This function returns the STG data collection app version installed on the device |
SDCardDir | string | returns the directory of the SDCard |
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Can the following start script "SetTextFormat(CurrQues,DisplaySurveyIndex)" be used to pipe/display the interview index to the surveyors, in case they need to write it on paper? Thank you!
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