
bool AddExternalListAnswerOtherSpecifyIter(int inQuesIdx, string inAnswerCode, string inOtherSpecify, int inIteration)


This function sets an answer in the list of an external list question as an "Other Specify" answer under a specific iteration - it selects the answer including setting its Additional Text.
NOTE: The answer code must already exist in the list.


The following is a list of parameters the functions receives 

Parameter Type Description
inQuesIdx Int32 Question Index
inAnswerCode string code value of answer
inOtherSpecify string Additional Text
inIteration Int32 Iteration Index


Return Type




List of overloads for this function

bool AddExternalListAnswerOtherSpecifyIter(int inQuesIdx, string inAnswerCode, string inOtherSpecify, String inFullIteration)
bool AddExternalListAnswerOtherSpecifyIter(int inQuesIdx, String inValueKey, String inDisplay, String inOtherSpecify, int inIteration)
bool AddExternalListAnswerOtherSpecifyIter(int inQuesIdx, String inValueKey, String inDisplay, String inOtherSpecify, String inFullIteration)

Parameters for overloads:

Parameter Type Description
inQuesIdx Int32 Question Index
inAnswerCode string code value of answer
inOtherSpecify string Additional Text
inFullIteration string Iterations Indexes (Nested Loops)
inValueKey String code value of answer
inDisplay String name of answer


Description of Overload methods (2nd and 3rd methods from overloads above)

This function sets an answer in the list of an external list question as an "Other Specify" answer under a specific iteration - If the answer code already exits in the list - it selects that existing answer and also sets its Additional Text.
If the answer code doesn't exit in the list - it ADDS the mew answer to the list, selects it and also sets its Additional Text.

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