
IChildMgr ChildMgr


The ChildMgr provides a list of functions to use in the Parent survey to

Return Type



To start the child survey based on logic in the Parent you will use the function 

Function List 

Function Description Parameters

Delete the child interview of the child survey.

Each child interview gets his own internal ID given by the system

string inChildName - The name of the child survey

Int32 inChildID - the ID of the child Interview to delete

EditChildSurvey Open the child interview for modification. 

string inChildName - The name of the child survey

Int32 inChildID - the ID of the child Interview to delete


Fill ioList with the results details of child survey. 

The text will be some information regarding the result (survey name, subjectID and the subject data.

listSource ioList - The list object to fill

string inChildName - The name of the child survey

Boolean inIncludeComplete - true if to include complete results or false otherwise

Boolean inIncludeIncomplete - true if to include Incomplete results or false otherwise

FillChildSurveyNamesList Fill ioList with the names of all child surveys of the current survey ListSource ioList - the list object to fill
GetChildSurveyCount Returns the total amount of child interviews made in all child surveys  
GetCompleteChildren Get IDs array of all completed child interviews done in child survey.  string inChildName - the name of the child survey
GetIncompleteChildren Get IDs array of all incomplete child interviews done in child survey.  string inChildName - the name of the child survey
MoveToChildSurvey Will open the child survey as 'Move To'  string inChildName - the name of the child survey
StartChildSurvey Will open and start the child survey  string inChildName - the name of the child survey
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