How to Synchronize a Survey to the Device


In this guide we will elaborate more about the Survey sync mechanism, surveys can be synced either manually or automatically when you login to the device.

Once you are done scripting the survey and it is ready, the survey should be deployed to the device. 

Follow the below steps to assure that the survey will be synced to the device to start your testing or the actual fieldwork. 


  1. Survey Mode - Change the survey mode to either “Test” mode or “Production” mode:mceclip2.png
  2. Surveyor Assignment - Assign the surveyor/s to the survey, click here to learn more how.
  3. Application Installation - Install SurveyToGo application for the device
  4. Once the application is installed login to the device
  5. Automatic/Manual Survey Sync - you can either manually sync the Surveys or setup the device to automatically sync the Surveys 
    • Automatic Sync -
      • Android - Navigate to the Options menu on the device and enable the options
        'Automatic Syncing' -> 'Survey Syncing' -> Sync Interval (set the sync interval you would like).
      • PC - Navigate to the Options Menu - Auto Sync tab - and enable the options
        'Automatic Syncing' -> 'Surveys' -> Sync Interval (set the sync interval you would like).
    • Manual Sync - You can manual sync the device at any time you would like.
      • Android - Navigate to the Options and choose 'Sync Surveys' 
      • PC - Click on the 'Sync' option and choose 'Surveys' 

If you are encountering any issues and the survey is still not showing in the device, please click here to troubleshoot the issue. 

That's It !

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