SurveyToGo enables you to export the data of a survey at any point, to a number of different formats. Furthermore, additional export providers can be written easily to support additional formats. Currently, the supported formats include MS Excel, MS Access, SPSS & XML, Word, Quantum and IBM Dimensions DDF. When exporting, you have complete control on the order of the exported columns, enabling you to separate the way the survey is presented from the way the data is to be exported.
Online Video
Direct Youtube link (for full screen): https://youtu.be/AFn_L4B7jqo
The Export Wizard
There are two ways of opening the export wizard
Using the collected data node – Double click on the “Collected Data” Node in the relevant project:
On the screen that opens you have the choice of exporting the interviews or the actual survey structure. Choose the “Export Results” option and select the relevant survey, then click “Export”:
Please note only active surveys will be displayed in the list. If your survey is marked as “Draft” or “Closed” then it will not be shown. If you need to export results of closed surveys, simply uncheck the Show Only Active Surveys checkbox and it will appear
An alternative way to export results of a given survey is to Right click it – right click on the desired survey in the tree and choose the ‘Export Results’ option
Step 1 - Choose the Export Type - Choose the ‘Export results' option:
Step 2 - Choose Survey - Using either option you should now be viewing this screen in the Export Wizard:
Step 3 - Choosing a provider
As mentioned above there are several exporting formats that are supported:
Supported formats include: CSV, MS Excel, MS Access, Simple Export, SPSS, XML, Word, Quantum and IBM Dimensions DDF
Most formats are straight forward (such as Excel for example). We created dedicated short guides on the more advanced one:
- Exporting to Quantum – http://support.dooblo.net/entries/22375542-How-to-export-to-SPSS-Quantum
- Exporting to Dimensions – How To Export an Imported IBM SPSS Data Collection (Dimensions) to Dimensions
Important Note regarding SPSS export: When exporting to SPSS, questions variable names cannot contain any special characters such as &,$, etc. Also, they must begin with a letter (not a number or any other character). You also need to ensure the names are not reserved words such as DATE, TIME etc so to ensure you do not have variable conflicts always apply your own naming such as S_DATE for example.
Please Note: The Simple Export Provider will export the data to XML but with less information then is exported using the XML Provider.
Step 4 - Exporting Options
SurveyToGo allows you to control in various ways the data that you would like to export for each format.
The options are divided to several tabs:
- Filtering Options
- Data Options
- Variables Options
- Built-in Variables
- Additional Options
- Location Columns - Will be shown only when Location is relevant.
- Filtering Options
This tab will include all Date filtering, Status, Specific Subject IDs, Rounds, Interview State.
Option Description Export only results
uploaded/submitted/visited/Last Modified/Attachment Last Modified/Media uploaded
between… and …
Enables you to specify a date range for the exported results. If specified, only results from the specified range are included in the export. Subject IDs Choose to export specific subject/s Export Only results from rounds If rounds are applicable - choose a specific round to export Include Filtered Out subjects Subjects who participate in your survey can be filtered out from the survey due to certain conditions. If checked filtered out subjects will also be included in the exported file, and an additional column – “Filter” is added to the exported data. The “Filter” column contains the index of the question the subject was filtered at. Include not Completed subjects Once checked subjects that were not completed will be exported Export Only Results with Completed Attachments Once checked only subjects with completed attachments will be exported Ignore QA Responsible Export all the data regardless of any QA Responsibility Include only results in status Determines results with which status will be included in the export file, by default is set to Approved, therefore only approved interviews will be exported by default. You can choose manually which statuses to export. Result Mode Choose to export either Test, Production or both results. - Data Options Tab - This tab will consist of the different options related to the data that you would like to export such as: Language, Overriding Missing Values, Column Titles, Exporting data from SBJ etc.
Option Description Ignore Null Sometimes we conduct interviews with questions that are being skipped, therefore, some questions are left without an answer.
If you tick this box those un-answered questions will be hidden when you export your survey results.Do not create empty variables Once checked if there are empty variables they will not be exported – this will reduce significantly the amount of variables exported. Do not export Text questions Will not export the question text Do not export Other Specify Will not export the Other Specify Ignore Chapter Max Iteration export limit When checked all iterations will be exported and not just the max that was set Do not export answer data Will not export the answer data Export only QA Chapters Will export only the QA Chapters Variable Names Export specific columns by using their variable names (use comma to separate them) Swap rows and cols If checked, the results are exported so that each subject is a column, and each question is a row, instead of the regular format where each subject is a row and each question is a column. Replace coding with values Choose if you would like to export the values instead of coding - relevant when exporting an imported survey from Dimensions and when exporting to Dimensions provider Export all questions as text Choose if you would like to export the questions as text Override missing values Choose if you would like to override the missing value only for an export Col Title Format Enables you to choose the type of column info that will be exported:
$V - Exporting the Variable Name
$SID- exporting the ShortID
$T- exporting the Column text if it's Question/Topic/Answer
$QTC - Exporting the Combination of [Question Text]-[Topic Text] or [question text]-[Answer Text]
$QT - Exporting the Question Text
$C - Exporting the Chapter NameLanguage If more than one language in the survey choose the one you would like to export Text Type Choose which text you would like to export – Review Text, Report Text etc. - Variables Options tab
This tab allows you to define which columns to export and their order. You can choose to export all or only a subset of the columns available, or even export a column more than once. Both the left list and the right list support multiple selections (by using the Shift and or Control keys) and are completely sort able by any column you desire.
When you are done configuring the order and number of columns you need to export, simply click the options tab or click Next to continue the export process.
Please Note: you can set a question to not export using the survey designer as well, Navigate to the Question Advanced tab and remove the option 'Export'
Option Description Left list – Source Columns Contains all the available columns. You can select one or more columns from this list to move to the output columns list. Internal columns, like the ‘duration’ column etc have a yellow background while survey specific columns have a white background. The list supports multiple selections & sorting. To sort, simply click the column of the list you would like to sort by. Right list – Output Columns Contains all the columns that will be included in the output export file. The order of the columns is the actual order of the exported file. To change the order of the columns you can press the up/down arrows. To create a copy of a column, right click that column: Up/Down Buttons Control the actual order of the columns. You can select either one or more columns and press the up down buttons to move these columns up or down. Left/Right Buttons Control the movement of columns between the left and right list. - Built-in Variables - in this tab you can change the names of the built in Variable captured.
- Additional Options Tab - In this tab you can choose what should be the action after the export is done
- Location Columns - Choose which Locations columns you would like to export and their names.
Step 5 - Export Options - This tabs' option will vary with each provider chosen
Step 6 - Destination - In the last step you will choose the destination of the files for the data, attachment list, attachments etc.
Option |
Description |
Export Data File |
This is the file name that will be filled with all the results according to your selection |
Include result attachments |
If you specify this option and select a folder location, any picture attachment that was included in the results will be placed in this folder. The name of the picture will be according to the relevant SubjectID field in the results file. |
Include attachment list |
If checked, you can choose a csv file that will receive a list of links to the various pictures that were included in the results. This is useful if you need links to the attachments instead of the actual pictures. |
After you click the finish button, you will see the following screen:
Answer Yes in order to open the exported file using its associated application, or no to continue without opening the external application.
Appendix - Additional Resource
Export settings via the STG studio
There are a few main things regarding exporting that can be modified within the survey:
You can change the way that answers are exported to be exported as answer text instead of code per question- http://support.dooblo.net/entries/22388577-How-to-export-the-text-of-an-answer-instead-of-the-code-
Or you can change it (and other settings) for several questions by right-click on the survey name in the designer -> Edit question props
check the relevant single choice questions you want -> enable the “Export as text” check-box -> enable the “Change export as text” check-box -> click Apply and close the window
2. You can choose different ways to export ‘multiple selection’ questions – https://support.dooblo.net/hc/en-us/articles/208295605-Multiple-Selection-Question
3. You can change some of the exporting properties through the survey properties tab, just click on the survey name in the tree and choose the ‘Survey Properties’ tab.
- Multi selection questions default to Export Null as missing (ticked by default) – When exporting a multiple selection question using the ‘Export to Check/Unchecked Variables’ option, if this box is ticked then a multiple selection question that was coded with zero answers will have zero in all its columns in the export file unlike a multiple selection question that was skipped (and therefore null) that will have ‘missing value’ in its columns in the export file.
- Use coding format for iteration export – if the loop chapter is defined to iterate by scale then this option will change the columns for the iterations in the export file to be ‘i_CodeName_QuestionsVariableName’ instead of ‘ScaleVaribaleText_ QuestionsVariableName’
More exporting resources can be found here:
- Generating automatic exporting – http://support.dooblo.net/entries/22388623-How-to-generate-automatic-exporting
- Exporting the survey itself – https://support.dooblo.net/hc/en-us/articles/208294475-How-To-Export-A-Survey-Script
Visit us at: http://www.dooblo.net
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