How To Make Bulk Updates to Interview Data


In Studio version 401 we have introduced a new feature that will allow you to Bulk update certain variables. 

The main purpose of this feature is to allow you mass update specific variables/questions with different values for multiple subjects/interviews. 

Important notice: please note that each question type is exported differently and when using this functionality it's important to keep the structure in tact in order to avoid issues. (For example: Multiple Selection Questions are exported as Q_1_O1, Q_1_O2 etc. this structure needs to be kept when importing)

This process will cause a change in your data please consult with our support if needed.


  1. It is recommended to first export only those variables/Questions that you would like to update to excel, click here to learn how to export results (Please refer to 'Variables Options' Tab to learn how to choose specific questions to export). 
  2. Once the file has been exported open it and update those exported answers with the new values and save.
  3. Right Click on the survey you would like to Bulk update the data.
  4. Hold the Ctrl+Shift keys on the Keyboard and choose 'Import Results (Advanced)'
  5. In the following screen:
    • Data File - Choose the Data file that you would like to import (after it was updated)
    • Update Subjects - Click this option to Bulk Update the interview data.
    • Allow update on read only subjects - check this option if you would like to update subjects that are read only e.g. 'Approved'. 
    • Value Options - Choose the value that you would like to update
      • Survey Settings - Use the Questions settings, whether you are exporting Coding or Text.
      • Answer Text - Update using the Answer Text.
      • Answer Coding - Update using the Answer Coding.
      • Do not validate removed answers Enable this option when trying to remove (clear) an answer that was not selected in the subject, so when this option is enabled we will only show a warning in the info (For Multi select or Multi select grid) but we will still do all other changes to that question
      • Do not resolve and recalc subject on update - After we update the subject's answers if the answers were changed we also preform resolve and recalc if you do not want to run it then enable this option
      • Include empty valuesWhen this option is disabled, empty answers will not get created, if you enable this, depending on your excel, you could have a question that has no answer in it but is not marked as null answer.
  6. Once you have finished click on Import 
  7. When Import is done you will see in the log text box the result of the import and indication if the import was successful if so for which subjects etc. 

Please note: Once the import is done you can also see an update in the Interview 'History' Tab of the change/update that was done 


  • Subject is in Read Only Status - this error means you are trying to update a 'Read Only' Subject, for example in status 'Approved' 
    • Possible Solution: You can either Check the option to 'Allow update on read only subjects' or change the subject status to a status that allows updates. 
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  • Thank you very much. Problem solved.

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