How to Connect your recovered interviews to Surveys


In this guide we will describe how to use the Interview Analyzer tool to connect the interviews that were recovered to their original survey using a data file.

Please Note: Interviews that were recovered or were connected will show in the list as read only. 

Online Video


  1. Download the 'Interview Analyzer' zip file from this link - 
  2. Unzip the folder
  3. Download your recovered data from this link -
    • Enter your API user & Pass
      Please Note:
      For security reasons you must be an org admin to be able to download the data files
      If you do not have an APIKey please contact the support.
  4. Unzip the data folder 
  5. Open the 'Interview Analyzer' folder and double click on file called 'InterviewAnalyzer.exe'
  6. Once opened you will be asked to choose the folder of the data you downloaded
  7. Choose the folder and click OK
  8. Once process will finish you will see a list of all your interviews and you can start connecting an interview to a survey 
  9. What do you see in the main screen and how to connect the interview to a surveymceclip22.png 
    1. Show Log/Auto Show Log - Once choosing an interview you can choose whether or not to see it's log (or set to see the log  automatically when browsing through the interviews)
    2. Survey List - List of surveys to choose from to associate the interviews 
    3. Set Survey For selected Rows - Select the interviews you want to associate with a survey (you can hold the shift key to select more than one line) and click to set the survey to the interview 
    4. Clear Survey for selected Rows - Click on clear if you want to change your choice and choose another survey
    5. Main Grid table - List of all the interviews that were found in the data file with their - SubjectID, UserName/Surveyor, Ticket (for CAWI interviews), TimeStamp, SurveyName
      Please note: you can filter the data by typing next to the contains under the column name
    6. Group By -  group by any of the column for easier view and filtering for example - group by surveyor or ticket and assign the same survey to all the interviews
    7. Device Information -  Details about the device that conducted the interview which can assist you with associating between the interview and survey 
    8. The interview log - When choosing to show , the interview log will help you see the interview log and the variables to associate the interview to it's relevant survey.
      if you have an identifier/variable that is shared across a survey then you can search for it and choose 'Filter Grid' it will show all the interviews that have that value
    9. Counts - Analytical counts for you to know who many interview found how many already assigned and how many left to assign
    10. 'Save Changes' - save your work 
    11. When you are done associating make sure to click on 'Save Changes'
    12. Navigate to your data folder and send us the file called 'Subjects.csv' to email - 

That's It !


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