When collecting data, SurveyToGo will automatically capture certain variables in addition to the responses to the questions you have added to the survey. The following is the list of variables captured automatically and their descriptions:
List of fields
The list of fields includes:
Field Name | Variable name | Description |
Duration | Duration | Column name of the duration. The duration specifies the time it took for the subject to reach the end of the survey from the moment the survey was started |
NetDuration | ClientDuration | The actual time spent interviewing regardless of the device clock settings. |
Start Date | Date | The local time on the device when pressing the “Start” button for this interview. Please refer to this post about the differences between the automatically captured datetime fields: https://support.dooblo.net/hc/en-us/articles/208294405-The-Different-Time-Fields-Captured-with-SurveyToGo |
Visit End Date | Vend | The local time on the device after submitting the interview. Please refer to this post about the differences between the automatically captured datetime fields: https://support.dooblo.net/hc/en-us/articles/208294405-The-Different-Time-Fields-Captured-with-SurveyToGo |
Visit Start Date | VStart | The local time on the device when starting the interview: Please refer to this post about the differences between the automatically captured datetime fields: https://support.dooblo.net/hc/en-us/articles/208294405-The-Different-Time-Fields-Captured-with-SurveyToGo |
Client STG Version | STGVer | The version of the app used to perform the data collection. |
Completed | Complete | Indicates if the interview was completed by reaching the end of the interview. Since early completion is supported this field is important. Please refer to this post to learn more about how not-completed interviews can be uploaded:https://support.dooblo.net/hc/en-us/articles/208294385-How-To-Upload-Not-Completed-Results |
DeviceIndex | DeviceIndex | A unique identifier on the data collection device for this interview. The number is composed out of the device ID (or rather, the app installation ID as this ID changes each time the app is re-installed on the device) + a running index for each interview started on the device. Example: D22228-24 indicates device ID D22228 and running index 24. |
External Reference Number | ExReNum | Custom field that can be used by the scripter of the survey to hold some information for this specific interview. This field can be set by the script and then used in data processing. Type: String. |
Filtered | Filter | Indicates on which question index the interview got filtered. When -1 is specified it indicates the interview was NOT filtered. |
Flags | Flags | Indicates special flags for this interview (modified after submit and more). |
Free Scenario Name | FrScName | Custom field that can be used by the scripter of the survey to hold some information for this specific interview. This field can be set by the script and then used in data processing. Type: String. |
Index | SbjNum | Server assigned unique identifier for this interview |
Location ID | LocID | If customer is using the task system, this field specifies the location id where the interviewer conducted this interview. Learn more about the task system here: https://support.dooblo.net/hc/en-us/articles/209577225-Task-System-Manual |
Location Name | LocName | If customer is using the task system, this field specifies the location name where the interviewer conducted this interview. Learn more about the task system here: https://support.dooblo.net/hc/en-us/articles/209577225-Task-System-Manual |
Parent ID | ParentID | If this is a child interview of a parent interview, this field will indicate the Index of the parent interview. This field is used to link back interviews to the parent interview. Learn more about child surveys here:https://support.dooblo.net/hc/en-us/articles/208295535-Child-Surveys |
QA Score | QAScore | If utilizing the QA score system of SurveyToGo this field indicates the score that the data quality team assigned to this interview based on the QA questions answered by the reviewer. Learn more about the QA section here:https://support.dooblo.net/hc/en-us/articles/208294775-How-to-Setup-a-Quality-Control-Chapter |
RunningIndex | RunningIndex | Not used. Is always set to -1. |
SID | SID | A unique identifier on the data collection device for this installation on the device. This ID changes each time the app is re-installed on the device) |
Status | Status | Status that the interview is in. You can utilize statuses to implement your own work flow with SurveyToGo. To learn more about statuses:https://support.dooblo.net/hc/en-us/articles/208294765-How-To-Set-a-Survey-to-Not-Auto-Approve-Uploaded-Interviews |
Stop Question | StopQ | In case this interview was not completed, this field indicates the question index of the question that was last filled out. Please refer to this post to learn more about how not-completed interviews can be uploaded: https://support.dooblo.net/hc/en-us/articles/208294385-How-To-Upload-Not-Completed-Results |
Subject Data | SubjData | Custom field that can be used by the scripter of the survey to hold some information for this specific interview. This field can be set by the script and then used in data processing. Type: String. |
Subject Mode | Test | If interview is a production one the field will read False otherwise will read True |
Subject Name | SbjNam | Contains the platform name of the interview:
Subject Unique Tag | UsrUnq | Not used. |
SurveyDeviceIndex | SurveyDeviceIndex | Same as Device Index but running index is kept for this survey specifically instead of device wide. |
Survey version | SrvVer | The version of the survey used to collect the data of this interview. The survey version number increases each time someone saves the survey in the SurveyToGo Studio. |
TaskID | TaskID | If customer is using the task system, this field specifies the id of the task to which this interview belongs to. Learn more about the task system here: https://support.dooblo.net/hc/en-us/articles/209577225-Task-System-Manual |
UTC Offset | UTCDiff | The offset from UTC that the device used to conduct this interview. Based on the clock of the device. |
Version | SbjVer | Version of the interview. Each time the interview is changed from the SurveyToGo Studio and saved the version of the interview is increased. Version other than 1 would indicate that some properties of the interview were changed and saved after data collection. |
Latitude | Latitude | GPS Latitude information as captured by the device at the start of the interview. |
Longitude | Longitude | GPS Longitude information as captured by the device at the start of the interview. |
Review Time | RvwTime | Date and time at the point when this interview was switch to approved status. To learn more about statuses:https://support.dooblo.net/hc/en-us/articles/208294765-How-To-Set-a-Survey-to-Not-Auto-Approve-Uploaded-Interviews |
Review comment | RvwComment | If a comment was added from the SurveyToGo Studio to this interview this field will show this comment. Comments are optional and used during the data quality control process. |
Surveyor Comment | SrvyrComment | Any comments added by the interviewer during the interview. |
Surveyor Name | Srvyr | The user name of the interviewer conducting the interview |
Is it possible to pipe these variables into question text? For example, I'd like to pipe in the Surveyor Name to a question stem.
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