Using the Fieldwork Analyzer


Dooblo Insights - SurveyToGo's online fieldwork visibility solution provides insightful view into your projects' progress. 

Dooblo Insights' main goal is to help the various stakeholders and managers better understand the  state of projects and make decisions based on the data displayed. 

The Fieldwork Analyzer module within the Insights platform is specifically aimed to assist operations and field managers gain a particular visibility on the progress of data collection and drill down into its different components. It does that by consolidating data that automatically flows from your various data collection sources.

Fieldwork Analyzer will allow you to detect issues during fieldwork, identify top performing individual and group surveyors and plan your upcoming projects using key stats from previous fieldworks.


This article will cover the following topics:

  • Arranging Criteria Setting/Filtering
  • Detailed explanation on each section
  • The contribution of each section to your projects

Criteria Setting/Filtering


Fieldwork Analyzer allows you to define the criteria for which you want to see the data. Define the following as the scope of what will be displayed: Customer, Project, Survey and date range. You may also select specific surveyor/surveyor groups, as well as configurable attributes defined in your script (see Here). The above filtering options will determine the scope of the entire screen.


The KPI Views 


Interview state


Use Case: Monitor a project progress and see that the number of completes matches what was expected for that project stage. If the number of completes is lower than what is expected at this stage you can then further review the success ratio and see that it meets expectations, compare between surveyor groups (by filtering by surveyor group) to see if the delay is caused by a specific surveyors group etc. 

The KPI view displays the amount of completed interviews done in the defined criteria as was configured (Survey, Surveyors, Time Frame etc. - criteria selection is described later in the article).  Next to the completed interviews number you can also refer to the “Success Ratio”  that is the ratio between “completed interviews” and “all attempts”.

You can also see the daily trends per the given time frame split by their status: completes, incomplete, terminated-cancelled, terminated-filtered, overquote-cancelled and overquote-filtered

To show/hide a status in the chart, click the specific status.

You can also check the Success Ratio check box to show the success ratio trends.


Avg. Net Duration

Use Case: Compare planned LOI with the actual fieldwork measurements and identify if longer or shorter durations may be relevant to a specific surveyors group/surveyor or for example a specific location if the interview location was set as an identifier (see Here).  

The Average Net Duration KPI displays of all interviews where you can click the relevant status  to view the duration that is associated with interviews in that status only (for example click the Completes to see the duration of completed interviews only). 

The candle sticks present the distribution of the Net Duration over time while the green area represents a group of  70% of the interviews. 15% of the interviews had a longer duration ('above' the color-filled area) and 15% shorter ('below' the color-filled area).


Avg. Time between interviews


Use Case: Compare the planned time between interviews with the actual fieldwork measurements and identify if outstanding values are related to specific surveyors group/surveyor or for example a specific location if the interview location was set as an identifier (see Here).  

The Average Time Between KPI displays all interviews where again you can click the relevant status  to view what is associated with interviews in that status only (for example click the Completes to see the duration of completed interviews only). 

The candle sticks present the distribution of the Time Between Interviews over time while the green area represents a group of  70% of the interviews. 15% of the interviews had a longer Time Between Interviews ('above' the color-filled area) and 15% shorter ('below' the color-filled area).


Avg. Distance Between Interviews


Use Case: Compare the planned distance between interviews with the actual fieldwork measurements and identify if outstanding values are related to specific surveyors group/surveyor or for example a specific location if the interview location was set as an identifier (see Here).  

The average Distance Between Interviews KPI displays where again you can click the relevant status to view what is associated with interviews in that status only (for example click the Completes to see the duration of completed interviews only). 

The candle sticks present the distribution of the Distance Between Interviews over time while the green area represents a group of  70% of the interviews. 15% of the interviews had a larger Distance Between Interviews ('above' the color-filled area) and 15% shorter ('below' the color-filled area).



In the field


Use Case: Identify changes in attendance over time and perhaps identify specific surveyors or surveyor groups that have been less available through the fieldwork and may have impacted the overall progress. 

The KPI view displays the amount of surveyors that submitted at least one interview on the the give time.

The chart presents the distribution of that information over time per day.


Worktime Productivity


Use Case: Identify specific days that may have impacted productivity/quality over time and drill further down to perhaps identify specific surveyors or surveyor groups that have been less available through the fieldwork and may have impacted the overall progress. 

The KPI view displays the total number of days with at least one completed interview done in.

The graph presents the distribution of that information over time per day (green bar) and the number of interviews with at least one quality control flag turned on per that day (red bar).


Quality flags


Use Case: Identify quality issues of specific surveyors groups.

The chart presents the distribution of the quality control flags that were set on interviews per the defined criteria.




Use Case: Incentivize top performing surveyors and identify bottom performing ones that may require mentoring.

Presents the top/button 5 surveyors by completed interviews or by percentage of interviews that were flagged (Note: interview with one quality control flag will be counted the same as interview with several QC flags.)

Clicking on “All” will present the full list of surveyors within the requested filter with the same information.

The ability to see productivity and quality in one view provides a good way to identify cases where high productivity is compromised by quality and what are the surveyor/groups that this is relevant for.









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