SurveyToGo PC Surveyor Guide


One of our supported platforms are PC based devices.

With this guide you will be able to learn more about STG PC Surveyor and how to work with it.

Installation Instructions

Installing PC Surveyor through the STG Studio application

  1. Under your organization node in STG Studio, navigate to ‘Device Installations’ and double-click ‘PC Client Install’.
    This will open the following page:

  2. By clicking the ‘Click here’ link you would be directed to the next page:

Installing PC Surveyor not through the STG Studio application

You can install the latest PC Surveyor version compatible with Windows XP, Win7, Win8 & Win10 (not RT) both 32&64 bit versions.
This link is constantly updated by us with the latest PC Surveyor versions.

The latest public version can be found in this link: PC Surveyor Installation

PLEASE NOTE: There are some organizations that use dedicated installation links, when in doubt please contact your Organization Field Management Team

Login information

On the login information enter your credentials and click ‘Login’

  • Please Note: you can still send logs to support even if you are not logged in by clicking the options button and navigating to the Support tab

Main Screen

In the main screen you will find the following:

  1. List of Surveys currently assigned to you
  2. Back– logging out of the system 
  3. Start - Choose a survey and click start to open it
  4. Tasks – Tasks assigned to surveyor for a certain project, please refer to ‘Tasks Assigned to Surveyor’ chapter. 
  5. Sync – Click this option when you would like to manually sync for new surveys, results or Application version
  6. Tools  – Click to see the additional options and About menu

Survey Main Screen

In the main screens click on the survey you would like to complete.

The following screen will appear:

Survey Name

  • Conducted – Amount of surveys conducted for this survey
  • Completed – Amount of surveys completed for this survey
  • Filtered Out - Amount of surveys filtered for this survey
  • Not Completed - Amount of surveys not completed for this survey
  • Attachments - Amount of attachments collected for this survey

Other Activities

  • Click on ‘Start’ to start the survey
  • Tools Menu - Click on the Tools menu to enter the Application Options & About menus
  • Clicking on the ‘Preview’ will show a summary of the survey questionnaire.

Working Tabs


List of all interviews conducted on the device. Here you will see Saved interviews, Incomplete Interviews.

  • Date – The date the interview started
  • Device Index – The device index that the interview was conducted on.
  • Subject – Platform that this interview was conducted on
  • Additional info – Comments for the surveyor sent from QA Managers, Field Managers.
  • Please note - Usually when the auto sync is turned on the interviews will be shown for a brief minute and then disappear.

Quotas Management

When quotas are assigned to a survey each surveyor can track and control those quotas.

In the survey Main screen a new tab called ‘Quotas’ will be shown.

Once an interview has been completed this table will be updated with the quotas that were captured and you will be able to monitor if you have reached your quotas or not.

6 Weeks History

The 6 weeks history screen shows us in summary what happened for each survey that we have used. 

This information is for indication only and show a breakdown of the interviews for a survey and device:

  • Date – Date the interview was conducted
  • Completed – Total interviews completed for the survey on the device
  • Uploaded – Total interviews uploaded for this survey on the device
  • Canceled - Total interviews canceled for this survey on device

When looking at the numbers you should note the following:

  1. The totals for each column might not match - It could be that a survey will be completed at a certain day and be uploaded the following day. 
  2. In surveys that you had a lot of activity it might show less than 6 weeks. 

Tasks Assigned to Surveyor

As explained above the tasks are interviews that are assigned to a surveyor based on a specific location that the field manager would like them to perform.

1. On the bottom right corner you will find the ‘Tasks’. 

Usually the tasks will appear automatically after login to the application.

2. For each Task: 

  • Task Number – The task number (2335268)
  • Location Name – The name of the location for this task (Anat/Three/ATwo)
  • Task Name - Additional information that can be seen next to the location name when the task is viewed on the device.
  • Survey Name – the name of the survey the task is related to (SubjectData)
  • Due Date – The due date to complete the task. (30/06)

3. Task Filters – You can either filter the tasks by their Status or Survey Name

3.1. Survey – When working with several surveys you can choose a specific survey to see only his related tasks.

3.2. Status – Filter by Task status



4. Task Statuses

  •  Task Completed
  •  Task Assigned
  •  Task In Progress/Returned To Surveyor
  • Task Cancelled 

5. Clicking on one of the tasks will open the interview.

  • Start – Start the interview

Comments - Write a comment to the Field Management or QA Team

6. Task Options – On the main Task page you will find the following options

  • Find – Search for a specific string in the interview.
  • Accept Task – Accept the task.
  • Prev – Return to the previous page
  • Next – Continue to the next page
  • Request Cancel – You can request to cancel a Task - once clicked you will be prompt to enter a reason for cancellation 

New Version Upgrade

Once a new version is found the upgrade process will start automatically and you will be able to see the progress on the top bar of the application.

When the upgrade will be completed the progress bar will be fully green and will state upgrade complete



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