How To Install & Work with the Fieldwork Management Application


This guide will describe the features and how to work with the Fieldwork Management Application (FWM).

The main purpose of the application is to provide the supervisors with a basic Operations console capabilities where they can review the interviews uploaded to the server and be able to change their status along with tracking quotas and GPS locations of interviews and surveyors.

The application is designed to be used on an Android device and is installed as a standalone application un-related to the STG data collection application. 


  1. User must be created as a studio user, please click here to learn how to create a user
  2. User should be assigned with a security role that will allow him to see Operations Console, GPS Tracking and Quotas, click here to learn how to setup. 

Click Here to download APK File.

Online Videos

Direct Youtube link (for full screen):  


  1. Please contact your organization main contact to get the installation link.
  2. Once installed Click on the application icon to Login to the device
  3. Enter user/password provided and click 'Login'
  4. In the following screen choose click on 'Customers & Projects'
  5. Choose the Customer you would like to view - this screen will display the list of customers assigned to you
  6. Choose the project you would like to view - this screen will display the list of projects related to the customer that you have permissions to 
  7. Now choose which feature to review

    • Operations Console

      This option will allow you to see the list of relevant interviews uploaded and change their status 
      • Choose the Dates/Filters/Status you would like to see and click 'Refresh'

      • The list of subjects will be shown with some basic information on the subject such as: surveyor name, subject number, survey name, upload date/time, status and number of attachments
      • Click on one of the subjects to review it - an additional screen with the Interview Review Screen details will be shown on the right side of the screen, click here to learn more about the different tabs in the Interview Review Screen. 
      • Click on Change Status to change the subject Status
    • Quota Progress

      This option will provide you with a summary of the Quota Progress for each survey
      • Choose the survey you would like to review the progress for 
      • The Quota Progress will be shown 
    • GPS Tracking

      This option will allow you to see a specific surveyor/group GPS tracking - click here to learn more about STG GPS Tracking

      • Choose to see either 'Latest Locations' or 'Show Route'

      • Show Latest Locations - Click on this option to see the latest locations surveyor was at, choose the dates and surveyor/group you would like to see and click on Get Latest Locations
      •  Show Route - click this option to show a surveyor route, choose the surveyor or group and click on Get Route


That's It !

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