How To Use the QA responsible functionality in your QA process


Usually QA teams will be composed of QA people responsible for a sub group of surveyors and would only be interested in reviewing their interviews during the QA process.

Using the QA responsible setting will make the QA process much more efficient when it comes to interviews filtering in the Operations Console and exported data.

Configuring and Using the QA Responsible is done as described below:

Step 1: Configure the QA responsible setting

Step 2: Use the QA responsible setting in Operations Console

Step 3: Use the QA responsible setting when exporting data

Step 4: Use the QA responsible setting in Auto-back-check process

Step 1: Configure the QA responsible setting

You can either Add the users one by one manually to the QA Responsible List or Import a list 

Manually adding users

To define the surveyors/group that will be assigned to a user that will be in charge on the QA, right-click on that user and choose the “QA Responsible list” option:

Click on the “Add” button to add users you want to be part of that group:

Once all wanted users were added, Confirm with the “OK” button:

Importing the QA Responsible List

1. Right click on the 'Users' in the studio -> choose the 'Import QA Responsible List'

Or click on 'Import QA Responsible' from the User Management screen:

2. In the following window click on Browse -> choose the file you would like to import -> click on Open

Please note: You can click on 'Open Example' to create a template file for the import. 

3. Click on Load to see the users in the list 

4. Click on Process QA Responsibilities.

5. Once the process will finish a message will be prompt with a summary 

Please note: you can review the log of the import when choosing the 'Log' tab 

Step 2: Use the QA responsible setting in the Operations Console

Once the QA responsible list was defined for a user, that user can view in the Operations Console only interviews that were conducted by the surveyors under his QA Responsible list, without having to define additional surveyors filter. As you can see in the next screen shot, the user that has a QA Responsible list is logged in to the studio. As the “QA Responsibles” check box is enabled, that user can view all interviews conducted only by the surveyors in his list without additional filters:

Note: If the user has been defined as a reviewer of the project (Project’s security settings) the surveyor will not see the checkbox and will be able to see only the interviews of the surveyors he is their QA responsible. Users that are defined as Managers and Administrators of a Project will have the ability to see the check box and decide if to see all interviews or just ones that they are defined their QA responsible.


Step 3: Use the QA responsible setting when exporting data

During the data export process through the Export Wizard, by default (unless defined otherwise), to export interviews. Please note that if the user has been defined as a reviewer of the project (Project’s security settings) the surveyor reviews that were conducted by the surveyors under the QA Responsible list will be exported. To enable the export of all conducted interviews (regardless the QA Responsible list), enable the “Ignore QA Responsible” checkbox under the Options tab:

Step 4: Use the QA responsible setting in Auto-back-check process

The auto Auto-back-check process uses the QA Responsible setting to define how to automatically/randomly return chosen interviews that were conducted by the QA Responsible surveyors list back to the QA responsible user. Click here to learn more about the Auto-back-check process.

That’s it!

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