Quality Control Flags Description


In this guide you will find the description and meaning of the Quality Control Flags available in STG

To learn how to use the Quality Control Flagging please click here.


Flags to be setup in the Quality Control Tab of the survey, will be shown under the Auto Interview Flagging:

  • FlagsByDuration - Flags the interview if the net duration is not in the wanted range 
  • FlagsOddHours - Flags the interview if it was conducted in a specific defined hours range 
  • FlagsByNoGps - Flags the interview if no valid GPS was captured  
  • FlagsByFakeGPS - Flags the interview if Fake GPS app was used to capture the GPS 
  • FlagsStraightLining - Flags the interview if the same answer was selected to all the topics in a grid question 
  • FlagsShortOpenEnededAnswer - Flags the interview if the a Free Answer text question contains a lower amount of characters than the defined amount 
  • FlagsTooManySessions - Flags the interview if it was stopped in the middle more times than the defined amount 
  • FlagsByAnswerCode - Flags the interview if a specific answer code was chosen more than a specific percent amount of the relevant questions 
  • FlaggedByClockChanged - Flags the interview if the clock was changed on the device
  • FlaggedByQuestionDuration - Flags the interview if a question takes over X seconds to answer
  • FlaggedByGPSTimeOnDevice - Flags the interview if the GPS time is different from the Device Time 
  • FlaggedByStaleGPSTime - Flags the interview if it encountered a stale GPS Reading (even if it was not used).
  • FlaggedByGPSCapturedAtEnd - Flags the interview if the GPS capture was at the end of the interview.
  • FlaggedByLocationServices - Flags the interview if the device location services was turned off while interview start.
  • FlaggedByNoSilentRecording - Flags the interview if a silent recording is setup but was not captured
  • FlaggedByRootedDevice - Rooted device means the OS has been either 'hacked' or a non official release. It does not necessarily mean that 'fake things' are happening there but this flag is an indication that on such a device it will be easier to hack location, times etc. This is an indicator for you to better check the interviews done on such devices i.e. listening to recordings, looking at duration or any other deeper QC check etc.
  • FlaggedByBackTrackingActivity - Interview will be flagged if surveyor clicked back and forth many time during the interview.
  • FlaggedByPartialRacing - Flags the interview if more than X Percent/Total Questions were answered in less than X seconds. 
  • FlaggedByGPSTimeDifferenceStale - Flags the interview if the interview location was set with a stale location.
  • FlaggedByGPSTimeDifferenceDate - Flags the interview if the GPS time is different then the device time

Flags that are captured automatically by the system (Located in the Auto Interview Flagging):

  • FlaggedByRunTimeScriptError- Flags the interview if a script (code) error / exception occurred while running the interview, for example: function was not found, script used a function incorrectly etc. 
  • FlaggedByScript -  This flag will enabled if you add the flagging in your script by using the UL function 'FlagInterview'.
  • ModifiedAfterCompleted - Flags the interview if it was modified after the interview was completed and submitted 
  • StoppedAndContinued - Flags the interview if it was stopped, saved and continued.

Manual Flags:

  • FlagsByReview - Flags the interview if the "flagged by review" checkbox is manually enabled in the Observation window of the interview.

Once the interview is flagged with a comment you can choose the following fields to be exported with the flag error description:

  • FlaggedByScriptComment - This variable will contain the system comment on the script error if the "FlagsByScript" was flagged
  •  FlaggedByReviewComment - This variable will contain the user comment written in the Observation when "flagged by review" checkbox is manually enabled.
  • FlaggedByFakeGPSComment - This variable will contain the system comment on the script error if the "FlagsByFakeGPS" was flagged
  • FlaggedByShortOpenEnededAnswerComment - This variable will contain the system comment on the script error if the "FlagsShortOpenEnededAnswer" was flagged.
  • FlaggedByStraightLiningComment - This variable will contain the system comment on the script error if the "FlagsShortOpenEnededAnswer" was flagged
  • FlaggedByClockChangedComment - This variable will contain the system comment on the clock change if the "FlaggedByClockChanged" was flagged.
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