Idle Time calculation in SurveyToGo


Among various Quality Control capabilities SurveyToGo automatically calculates the idle time of interviews during CAWI or CAPI interviews.


The Idle time of an interview is both visible in the operations console when reviewing an interview and can also be exported



CAWI idle time calculation
The idle time measuring start is defined as the times when
  • The survey page is not visible on screen for one of the following reasons
    • Switching browser window/tab
    • Minimizing the browser
    • Opening another app on the device
    • Screen time out/Session ended indication by the browser
  • The survey page is visible but no activity is detected for over than 30 seconds. Inactivity is defined as no keypresses, mouse movements, scrolling, clicks (or touch) are detected.
CAPI idle time calculation
It does not include the times when the interview was stopped.
The idle duration measuring is defined as the times when the interview is under going but is not 'active' meaning: 
    • The App is set to the background
    • Screen timeout/dimmed etc.

Note: It does not include the times when the interview was stopped.

Note: The total Idle time is calculated through an internal counter during the interview so is not impacted by clock changes

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