Managing Project Data and Operations


The operation console grid provides the ability to review and manage the collected results in an Organization/ project/survey in one place including different data attributes and with different filtering and grouping options.

1. Step 1: Open the operation console

2. Step 2: Filter options for viewed results

3. Step 3: Get results to view

4. Step 4: Edit the grid columns

5. Step 5: Group results view

6. Step 6: Filter viewed results

7. Step 7: Sort viewed results

8. Step 8: Viewing and manipulating Interview Data

9. Step 9: Additional actions to perform on results

10. Step 10: Update interviews

11. Step 11: Export results grid

Online Videos 

Direct Youtube link (for full screen): 

Direct Youtube link (for full screen): 


Step 1: Open the operation console

The project’s operation console:
The project’s operation console can be found under each project in the organization tree. This operation console can display all results from all surveys under that project.

Open the project’s node and double-click on the Operation Console icon:mceclip0.png

The survey operation console:

The survey operation console can display all results conducted under that specific survey.

Right-click on the survey’s node and choose “Operation Console”:

The Organization operation console:

The organization operation console can display all results from all surveys.

Right-click on the organization node and choose “Operation Console”:


Step 2: Filter options for viewed results

Before viewing the projects results, you can define different filtering options to reduce and focus the view. You can filter by results statuses, upload dates, surveyors, specific subject IDs and more.

The filtering options are found in the top section:


If you defined some filter options and you want to return to the default filtering, just click on the Reset button:


Step 3: Get results to view

Once done configuring the filtering options, click the Get button to view the relevant results:


Once the process is complete, you can view the grid of all the results, and see the total amount of displayed results:

As seen in the screen shot above, each result is presented in a line, with different attributes as the result’s unique Subject ID, the survey name it belongs to, if this is a test or production result, the surveyor name conducted it, its status, the time the result was uploaded (UploadTime) and many more.

Step 4: Edit the grid columns

You can edit the grid columns (the different attributes) that are displayed – you can add more columns, remove columns and change their order.

The columns can be edited at the “user level” or at the “organization level”.

Editing the columns in the “user level” means that each user can edit the columns display in the operation console, so that settings will be displayed each time that user logs in to the studio.

To change the columns display in the “user level” (meaning only the logged in user will view the new columns display that was defined under his account), open the “Edit my columns” link on the top-right:

In the opened window, you can view the list of all possible columns to view. The ones that are checked are the ones that are already configured to be viewed:mceclip5.png

To add more columns to view – check those on the list. To remove columns, uncheck those on the list:

You can also edit the columns names: When an attribute is marked, its name appears on the right, where you can edit it:

In addition, you can also change the displayed columns order – mark an attribute, and move it up or down using the arrows on the right of the list:

When done editing the columns, click on the OK button.

The next time you press on the Get button, or the next time you’ll open again the operation console, you’ll see it with the new columns view defined.

Editing the columns in the “organization level” means the administrator user can edit the columns that will later apply as the default columns settings for all newly created organization users.

To perform this, open the “Edit all columns” link on the top-right:

The rest of the editing is just as described above for the “Edit My columns”. 

Step 5: Group results view

 You can view the results through groups filtering. By default, you’ll get the results grouped by the Upload time:


In the groups view, you can open and/or collapse groups using the left arrow to simplify the view:


You can create interlock grouping, by click on a column and drag it to the “Group by” bar:


Once you drag and drop it, you’ll get the new interlock group view:

 To remove a column from the interlock, click on the “x” icon on it:


Step 6: Filter viewed results

Once the grid is displayed, you can keep focus the view with additional attributes filtering – you can click on the filtering icon near the column name, enable and disable specific sub-attributes to view:


Another way is using the pre-defined filtering, through the Available Filters menu:


Step 7: Sort viewed results

You view the results in a sorted order according to a specific column / several columns. To set the sorting order, click on the wanted column. Each click will sort the results in an ascending order or descending order according to the values of that column (arrow up = ascending order, arrow down = descending order):

Step 8: Viewing and manipulating Interview Data

You can view the collected data in each result through the result’s Observation screen.

To open the Observation screen, double-click on a result displayed in the operation console:


The observation screen will open with all the data about this specific interview:


From this screen you can view the data and attachments of this interview, and change the status and mode of this survey result.

NOTE: Please note that in “Approved” mode, the data is read only. To change the data you will need to change the mode from “Approved” to “Requires Approval”, then click the OK and re-open the interview:

Need to learn how to edit the data of an interview? Click here to learn more.

Step 9: Additional actions to perform on results

 You can right click on any interview and select from the various options:


Delete: Delete the result from the server. This can be done only when the result is in an “editable” status, such as “In Progress”.

Recalc: Perform new scores calculation, in case of data changes / script changes that effects that calculation. To learn more about survey scores click here.

Recalc Quotas: Perform new calculation on quotas capture, in case of data changes / script changes that effects that calculation.

Clear Answers: Let you choose certain questions and edit them to be cleared (with no data), set as NULL or NOT NULL, and clear those from scores.

Show in map: Opens the GPS data map of the result.

View Report: This option is enabled only for results in the “Visible in reports” status. Opens the report view of the result.

Open survey designer: Opens the designer of the survey’s script

Go to project: Go to the organization tree and open the node of the project of the result’s survey

Go to survey: Go to the organization tree and open the node of the result’s survey.

Print: Opens the result’s data in a print view.

Expand all: Expands all displayed results groups

Collapse all: Collapses all displayed results groups.

**Note that some options will be disabled, as there can be done only on results in “editable” status, such as “In progress”. 

Step 10: Update interviews

You can update the result’s status, change the surveyor conducted the result and add comments through the operation console. To do this, mark a result and click on the Update Status button:

 In the opened window, you can add comment, change the status and the surveyor:

You can make this changes for multiple results at once – to do this, mark all relevant results with click + Ctrl, or click + Shift to mark a whole group at once.

Step 11: Export results grid

You can export the results grid into excel file, by clicking on the Export button:mceclip9.png

That’s it!

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