How To Delete Incomplete Results from a Device


This How-To will show you how to delete results that are not completed on your device.

Please follow these 4 simple steps:

Step 1: Enable your survey to allow deletion of results on the client by un-checking the 'Disallow Delete Results on Client' option under your 'Survey Properties' tab through the Survey Properties main node on STG Studio , on your specific survey, this option will allow the user to delete any kind of results. If combined with the Allow Delete Of Incomplete Interviews Only property will allow the surveyor to delete incomplete interviews only:


Step 2: Login to the device with a user which is assigned to the survey:

First, login to the device with the user which has incomplete results.


Step 3: Choose the relevant survey

Select the survey that has incomplete results


Step 4: delete results.

In the screen before starting a survey, long press the result you wish to delete:

Then, click Clear:

And then confirm with ‘Yes’


That’s it!

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