How To Re-Calculate and Fix Quotas in a Production Survey


If you have conducted many interviews and realized you had a mistake in your quota scripts – causing all the quota’s to be wrong, have no worries, this can be fixed easily.
This How-To will show you how to Re-Calculate your Quota scripts in a Production survey.

  1. Fix your quota scripts in the Quota Page and save the survey with the fix’s:

    *Do not delete the current ones if needed, but change them to be correct.

  2. Open the operations console for this particular survey and mark all the relevant interviews:

  3. Now, Click the ‘Update Status’ button, and change all of them to ‘In Progress’ or another status that allow the interview editing. ‘Approved’ is a ‘Read Only’ status, therefore, it has to be changed to a Read & Write status.

  4. After the status was changed to all results, mark them all again, hold Ctrl+Shift and click the Right Mouse button -> Choose ‘Recalc Quotas’.

  5. This will Re-Calculate the quota scripts, fixing any previous mistakes that you have fixed in your scripts.

That’s it!

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