How To Generate Automatic Exporting


This tutorial will elaborate how to automate your exports and schedule them to either be sent via email or create a file on your PC. 

Option 1 - UI Scheduled Export 

Online Video

Direct Youtube link (for full screen):


  1. Right click on the Survey you would like schedule an export for.
  2. Choose the option 'Schedule Automated Exports...'
  3. Choose '+ Add Automated Export' 
  4. Fill in the different fields 
    • Enabled/Disabled - Once you create the automated export you can choose to keep it enabled or disable it. 
    • Recurrence - Choose whether to run the export Daily/Weekly
    • Start/End Date - Set the Date to start the export and finish it
    • Time - Set the time to run the scheduled export
    • Email connector - choose the email connector to use for sending the email. (Click here to learn more about the email connector)
    • Notify these addresses - add the email addresses you would like to send the exported data to.
    • Subject of email - Set the subject for the email.
    • Body of email: Either use the default text or update the text for the email sent. 
    • Always send data as link - enable this option to send the data as a link.
    • Send data as zip file - enable this option to send the exported data as a zip file to save space
    • Provider - choose the provider you would like to export to
    • Load Settings File - Choose the settings file to use when exporting (Click here to learn more) 
  5. Once done click on Save Changes 

Please Note:

  • This export will only export the newly uploaded results since the last scheduled export and will not export all the data since start of fieldwork.
  • If you have setup scheduled export to a survey that has already started fieldwork the subjects that were already uploaded will not be exported in the first scheduled export
  • You can create several scheduled exports for the same survey. 

Option 2 - Command Line 

SurveyToGo has a unique Command Line Exporting tool that allows you to generate automatic exporting commands with a few simple clicks, instead of entering the studio and selecting manually each time – it also enables you to schedule a task for windows to export it automatically in your time of choice.

Step 1: Create A New TXT file in the folder which contains the exporting tool.
Step 2: Configure your file to contain the exporting commands.

Step 1: Create A New TXT file in the folder which contains the exporting tool.

If you are using Windows XP, the exporter tool should be located in the following path on the PC where the Studio is installed:

C:\Documents and Settings\<USERNAME>\Local Settings\Application Data\Dooblo\SurveyToGo Studio\App\<YOUR VERSION>\Utils\CmdLine

If you are using Windows 7/10, the exporter tool should be located in the following path:
C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Dooblo\SurveyToGo Studio\App\<YOUR VERSION>\Utils\CmdLine

Note: To be able to run the command line tool as standalone meaning on a PC where the Studio has not been installed create a new folder on that PC (you can name it for example SurveyToGo Command Line Export).
Copy the 2 folders named Utils and Providers from the PC where the Studio is installed to the folder you created on the PC where you want to run the command line on.
They will be located under the below paths:

  • Windows XP - C:\Documents and Settings\<USERNAME>\Local Settings\Application Data\Dooblo\SurveyToGo Studio\App\<YOUR VERSION> 
  • Windows 7/10 - C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Dooblo\SurveyToGo Studio\App\<YOUR VERSION>\ 

Now, after you created the txt file, rename it as something such as “My Exporter”, or whatever you prefer.

Then, create a shortcut to that file, and place it on your desktop:

Step 2: Configure your file to contain the exporting commands.

Open the exporting wizard.

Then, go all over to the final stage of the exporting wizard.

By clicking this button, it will copy to your clipboard a command with some data – the command that will export that survey.
Paste this data as one line inside the TXT file you just created.
Go on with this process on all of your surveys that you wish to export at once automatically, until you have all of your survey’s command lines pasted into the TXT file one by one.

Of course don’t forget to fill in the needed data, for example:

STGCMDLine.exe /action=export /user=”<USER>“ /pass=”<CHANGEME>” /org=”ORG_NAME” /url=”” /surveyid=”YOUR SURVEY ID” /provider=Excel2007 /OutputDir=”<FULL OUTPUT PATH>”

After you finished this, ‘Save As’ your TXT file, and change its extension to be “.bat”

Eventually it would look like this:

And from now on, by double clicking this file, it would execute all commands written inside it through the CMDLine tool.

You can also use the windows built in task scheduler in order to configure scheduled exporting tasks.

You can find the Manual of the exporting tool, in the same folder where you created the TXT file:

This file has an explanation of all its features and functions.

You can download the attached file

That’s it!

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