How To Delete Results (Interviews)


If you wish to delete results that were conducted on ‘Test’ mode or that are not relevant anymore.
This ‘How-To’ will explain the steps to do it.
In order to delete results, the results have to be in a ‘Read & Write’ status – ‘Approved’ & ‘Canceled’ are ‘Read Only’ statuses.

  • First of all enter the operation console.
  • Then, in the observation status choose ‘Select All’ and click ‘Get’:
  • Now you can choose all the results you wish to delete, and click ‘Update Status’.
    You should update their status to a ‘Read & Write’ status which is one of the following:
    - ‘Requires Approval’
    - ‘In Progress (Office)’
    - ‘In Progress (Other)’

  • Last, you may choose all the results you wish to delete, right click and choose delete.

    This will delete them from your operations console.

That’s it !

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