Prevent Upload of Interviews of a Closed Survey


When field work is done and all the required data has been collected you would normally move your survey to the Closed mode so it is removed from the surveyors devices and they will not collect additional interviews on it.

There are some cases where a survey is moved to Closed mode before all the results from the devices were uploaded. When these devices are synced, these interviews will be uploaded to the server and added to the collected data. By default these interviews are saved as they often contain valuable data.

However, if you need to prevent such uploads from your data collection, you can block it and automatically move these interviews to the deleted section without spending any credits.

These interviews are not "lost" and can be restored should you need them. Here is a link to our guide on recovering deleted interviews:


Step 1: Navigate to survey properties

In the designer, select the survey in the Survey Tree on the left and select the Survey Properties tab:





Step 2: Checking the option

In the Survey Properties tab, check the "Do not accept interviews and attachments once survey mode is set to close" option.

It is located in the Data Processing section:




Step 3: Saving the changes

Save your change to the survey so that it may be applied.


That’s it!


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