How to: Using the Operational Dashboard KPI Reports


The Operational Dashboard feature allows you to easily view key performance indicators of your running survey. You can use these KPI’s to evaluate whether your project is running on track and determine the throughput of your field staff. To use the Operational Dashboard:

  1. Step 1: Define the Operational Dashboard date range and survey
  2. Step 2: Run the report

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Step 1: Define the Operational Dashboard date range and survey

To define the Operational Dashboard date range and survey:

  1. Open the project and the Dashboards node:

  2. Double click the KPI’s node and set the relevant filters: 

Step 2: Run the report

After you click the “Refresh” button you will see the different KPI’s:

For each KPI you can see the chart and the data. To switch to the data view, simply click on the “Data” under the relevant KPI’s:

The following KPI’s are currently available:

Interview Average Duration (Minutes)

This KPI shows the distribution of the interviews based on the total duration in minutes (To learn mroe on durations in SurveyToGo, view this link: The bands are:

  • <10 minutes
  • 10-30 minutes
  • 30-60 minutes
  • 60+ minutes

We provide the the ability to personalize the ranges. The process to generate your own customized ranges is done:

  • Right click the KPI node and select Edit Profile

  • Click on the following button:
  • Add your ranges and specify the range labels and min max values. When done click OK:
  • Click OK/Apply on the next screen to make the ranges take effect

Please Note: this is relevant for Dashboards on the organization level and not project level

Number of Interviews

This KPI shows you the amount of uploaded interviews per day. The data is based on the Upload time (see this article about the different times captured for an interview). If you hover over a date it will show you the actual number. 

Interview Throughput 

This KPI shows you the amount of uploaded interviews per hour of the day. The data is shown in a heat map where the darker shades of green represent higher interview uploads for that hour and day. The data is based on the Upload time (see this article about the different times captured for an interview).

Fieldwork Start

This KPI shows you the time of day that fieldwork started. The numbers represent the number of interviewers that did their first interview at that hour of the day on that day. For example, On July 11, 10am, 2 interviewers did their first interviews etc. The data is shown in a heat map where the darker shades of green represent higher number of interviewers that started their interviewing at that hour and day. The data is based on the Timestamp of the first interview for each interviewer on any given day. (see this article about the different times captured for an interview)

Fieldwork End

This KPI shows you the time of day that fieldwork ended. The numbers represent the number of interviewers that completed their last interview at that hour of the day on that day. For example, On July 11, 2pm, 2 interviewers completed their last interviews etc. The data is shown in a heat map where the darker shades of blue represent higher number of interviewers that completed their interviewing at that hour and day. The data is based on the Submit Time of the last interview for each interviewer on any given day. (see this article about the different times captured for an interview)

GPS Information

This KPI shows you how many interviews contained GPS location information. The GPS location information is an important quality control mechanism and there for it is highly recommended you check this KPI to make sure you are hitting above 60% of GPS information.

Interviewer Performance

This KPI shows is based on the average QC score interviewers receive. The KPI will show you the best performing interviewers vs the worst performing interviewers based on their average QC score received by your quality control department.

Customized KPI 

We provide the the ability to add additional personalized KPIs that are based on the custom fields. The process to generate your own customized KPIs is:

  • Right click the KPI node and select Edit Profile

  • in the following window choose the following:
    • Show Custom Data KPIs - True
    • Custom Data 1 Field Type - choose the custom data you would like to display
    • Custom Data 1 Title - Change the title as you please

  • Set the bands (ranges) you would like to display 

The new KPI dashboard was setup based on the data collected from the survey and customized ranges


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