Android Configuration


This How-To goes over the configuration settings in the Android application.



Server Address – The server address you sync to [should not be modified]
URL – The URL in the server you sync to [should not be modified]
Automatic syncing – Enables\Disables auto syncing of results\surveys
Survey Syncing – Enables\Disables auto syncing of surveys
Result Syncing – Enables\Disables auto syncing of results
Version Syncing – Enables\Disables auto syncing of app versions
Sync interval – The sync interval used when automatic syncing is turned on
Results in batch – defines the number of results sent in a single batch to the server 
[should not be modified unless instructed by customer support]

Override HTTPS – Server – if you have HTTPS configured for your account, here you can set it particularly for this device, although it would be ‘on’ by default if you have HTTPS configured.
Use HTTPS – Enable\Disables use of HTTPS for this device.

Regarding syncing results, there are 2 ways in which you enable results syncing to the servers: 


  1. You set the device to auto-sync results. This is done via Settings->Options and setting the Result Syncing check box. This will ensure that every time results are created (Completed) by a surveyor and connection exists the results on the device will be uploaded to the server.


  1. Manually selecting (after logging in to SurveyToGo on the device) Settings->Sync Results


The device auto-syncs a batch of results every 30 minutes (default), the interval and the amount of results in a batch can be changed. Please consult Dooblo support before changing the number of results in a batch.

Questionnaire form

Reduce image size – Reduces captured images size with compression.
Maximum image size – Defines the maximum size of a captured image in KB - used if the Reduce image size is turned on.
Do auto save – Enable\Disable result auto-saving during an interview.
Auto save Frequency – Interval in minutes for auto saving results.

Location Services

 Testing the GPS in the app’s options:

If the GPS is available & capturing you would see the following:

If not, it would write that it is not available.

The GPS Options

Enable\Disable GPS Capturing.

Enables usage of only the hardware GPS, preventing other sources to be considered  to determine a location. Location information can be obtained not only using a GPS but also from cellular and Wi-Fi networks to determine your approximate location. To ensure your location is determined in the most accurate way make sure this option is checked. Please note that GPS must have certain conditions to be able to provide information such as clear sky line etc (GPS would not normally work indoors).

Will make the GPS sample constantly – important for Geo-Fencing.

Capture interviewer’s position in the GPS data.

Lets you determine the sampling frequency.

Disables usage of old GPS capturing in case of lack in functionality in the GPS.

Set the ‘lifetime’ of old GPS data, in case that your result haven’t collected GPS data due to a problem with the GPS it would turn to an old GPS reading, this would decide how long would old GPS readings last.

Cheking GPS functionality within the survey

You can check the following function, wherever you want in your survey:
GetGPSLocation().Latitude != ”"

If it returns ‘true’ it means there is a Latitude, which means GPS is working.
If this returns ‘false’ it means that the Latitude returned is empty, which means GPS is not working.


Barcode Scanner

Use front light – Enables the light for scanning.
Reversed camera image – enables front camera if device supports it.

Advanced Connection Settings

Use Proxy – configures a proxy server if used
Proxy Server URL
Proxy Port

Set EditText text direction when RTL – please contact support if experiencing visual issues with RTL Languages
Set widget text direction when RTL – please contact support if experiencing visual issues with RTL


Set widget button direction when RTL – please contact support if experiencing visual issues with RTL Languages.
SUPPORT – DO NOT CHECK – for support use only.
Do not use network compression – for support use only.

Test Connection – Test’s the connection and prompts the message.
GPS status – Test’s the GPS status and shows the current readings.
Admin – opens the admin panel.

That’s it!

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