How to: Lock the Device “Options” Screen


Sometimes you need to prevent interviewers from accessing the options screen on the device so that the interviewers will not change critical options for the app. SurveyToGo allows you to configure your SurveyToGo organization so that the options screen on the device will require a password to access. This password will then be available only to admins.

  1. Step 1: Configure the SurveyToGo organization for locked options screen

Step 1: Configure the SurveyToGo organization for locked options screen

To configure the options screen to be locked:

  1. Right click on the account node and select “Organization properties”:

  2. Switch to the “Advanced” tab and check the “Block Surveyors ” box:

  3. Set a password that will be required in order to edit the settings in the device.
  4. Click the OK button
  5. Now, in order for this setting to apply the devices will need to re-sync. Only after the interviewer re-syncs will the setting apply.
  6. That’s it!

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