How to Import/Export Quota’s with Excel


If you have a large list of quota subjects and expressions, in most of the cases it will be much more comfortable to import the quotas and their expressions to STG through an excel list.

This document will show you how to do it.

  • If you choose the root survey, under the ‘Rules’ tab and right click the ‘Quotas’ text,
    You will get the following options which will enable you to import/export quota data from an excel list:
  • Your excel list must have the two main subjects: ‘Name’ and ‘Expression’:
    Under the name you should enter the names of the quotas, and under the expression you should enter the expression defining the quotas.

  • After you click ‘Import’ and choose your list, the quotas will be imported:
    *Please Notice that the default quota will be 20.

  • In order to export the list to Excel, you can just right click the ‘Quotas’ text and click Export.
    You will notice that it will export all the columns and also another one called ‘BucketID’, you can ignore it as it is a system requirement.

That’s it!

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