Can SurveyToGo be used to collect data when offline?


SurveyToGo has 2 major parts

  • The SurveyToGo Studio
    This application is used to design surveys and manage projects. The Studio application requires internet connection and can NOT work in offline mode.
  • The SurveyToGo PC/Tablet Clients
    The actual applications used by the surveyors to collect data. The Data Collection clients can work in both full offline and semi offline mode.


Offline mode support for the PC/Tablet

The SurveyToGo Data collection clients, including the Device client and the PC/Tablet client can work in full off-line mode which means that NO internet connection is needed to perform the actual data collection. You can send people to the field and have them collect data with no connection to the server and then at the end of the day or week – when they do have some internet connection – SurveyToGo will automatically send the collected data back to our servers. When no internet is present, SurveyToGo will simply accumulate all the interviews and save them for later sending to the server.

Here is a table that summarizes when offline work is supported:

Situation Description


Data Collection Actual surveyor data collection


Logging into SurveyToGo
Login process


Synchronizing Sending the actual data to the server, can be done once a day or a week


First time login The first time you login to SurveyToGo on the PDA


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