How To Set an Answer in an Answer Scale to not be part of a Randomization


This How-To will explain and show how you can fix a specific part of your answer scale so it will not be part of the randomization but will maintain a fixed position.


Step 1: Add an answer scale to your survey 

1. Here is a link to our manual on how to create an Answer scale: 

Step 2: Randomize your answer scale

1. Select the question that you want to randomize its answers.

2. Click on the ‘Advanced’ tab and click on the ‘Randomized answers/topics order’



Step 3: make a specific answer in you scale not randomize

1. Click on the survey and click on the ‘Advanced’ tab.

2. Select ‘Edit Answer Scales’.

3. Move the bar to the right until you see ‘Do not random’.

4. Pick the answer that you want not to random.



That’s it!

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