How To Setup Survey Scores


In some surveys mostly Mystery Shopper survey you will need to setup a score model which will give a score of each interview based on the answers provided in the interview for each store section and an overall score based on those store sections. 


Setting up the Survey Score Model Structure

  1. Open the Survey Root -> Navigate to the 'Advanced' Tab -> 'Edit Survey Scores'
  2. The following screen you will find the Root score which is the weighted score according to the questions added or Scores added
  3. Adding a Score for each Section - In the 'Edit Survey Scores' click on the + sign under the 'Root Score' to add a new Section - Provide a Name
  4. Click on 'Add Question' to add the relevant Questions for the score 
  5. Questions will be added - Set the Weight for each question
  6. Repeat Steps 3-5 for all the sections in your survey
  7. Creating a Weighted Root Score based on the Store Sections - Mark the Root Score - Click on 'Add Score' 
  8. Once added set the Weight for each section - when setting (you can treat all the sections as a 100 score and give each section the needed weight) - click OK 
  9. Weight Report - when done click on the option 'Show Weight Report' to view the score model 

Setting the Answers Scores 

Now you should setup the Answers scores values how much weight should each answer have.

Answer Scale

Navigate to the Advanced Tab - 'Edit Answer Scales' scroll to the right to reach the 'Score' Column and give a score for each answer.

Answer Not in a scale

Navigate to the Question - Advanced Tab - Answer Properties - scroll to the score column and set each of the answers scores.

Please Note: If you do not want to include a certain answer in the calculation of the score you should set it's score to -1.

Setting Scores for Chapters & Sub-Chapters

In cases where your survey has both Categories and Sub-Categories - there is a need to setup the Chapter & Sub-Chapter as category Chapter

Navigate to the Chapter - Advanced Tab - Enable the 'Is Score Category' the 'Category Has Weight' option will be enabled and you will also be able to set a weight for the chapter/sub-chapter.


Viewing the interview scores

The interviews scores can be reviewed in the Operations Console - open the subject - navigate to the 'Scores' Tab and review the score

Please note:

1. If and when the score model is updated you can re-calculate the score for the interviews already uploaded by following these steps:

  • Change the interview status from a 'ReadOnly' status.
  • Choose the interviews you would like to re-calculate and choose - recalc
  • You can also recalculate individual subjects by opening the subjects - navigate to the 'Scores' Tab and click on 'Recalc'

Exporting the Scores

Scores can also be exported with each interview, in the export wizard navigate to the 'Variables Options' tab - search for the word 'score' and you will be able to choose these variables to export if not already selected.

Adding Bonus Scores

In cases you would need to set a special bonus score when the interviewer chooses a specific answer or answers a specific question.

This can be achieved by adding a positive or negative bonus score to an answer or a question and setting the Bonus Type 

Bonus Types:

SubjectBonus - Will be Added/Deducted from the overall Subject Score

ScoreBonus - Will be added/deducted from a specific score bonus this question/answer is apart of.

QuestionWeight - will be added/deducted from the question weight 

ScoreWeight - will be added/deducted from the score weight 


That's It !

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