This guide describes how to add 'Survey Custom Properties' that will need to be filled by the user before moving the survey to Production Survey.
Please note: to enable this feature please open a ticket with our support (support@dooblo.com)
- Navigate to Tools -> Choose 'User-Defined Fields..'
- Click on the icon to create a new field
- Fill the relevant information
- Name - Provide a name to the User Defined Field
- Container Name - should always be 'Instance'
- Nullable - Enable the option if the field can remain Null
- Must Fill Before Survey Is Live - Enable if you want to force the user to fill this field when moving to Production
- Value Type - Choose the type that this field should be assigned with (List/Integer/DateTime etc.)
- When Value type list will be chosen the 'Option Name' field will be enabled for you to enter the values
- When Value type list will be chosen the 'Option Name' field will be enabled for you to enter the values
- Once done click on 'OK'
- The list of all fields will be shown in the main screen
- To fill the fields and set them navigate to the Survey root - Survey Info
a new section called 'Survey Custom Properties' that will show the list you created
Please Note: when there is no value the row will show in 'Red' to alert a value must be added. - When moving the Survey to 'Production' you will be prompt with the following message - click 'OK'
- An error will be prompt if one/all the custom properties does not have a value
That's It !
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