How to Setup 'Survey Custom Properties'


This guide describes how to add 'Survey Custom Properties' that will need to be filled by the user before moving the survey to Production Survey. 

Please note: to enable this feature please open a ticket with our support (


  1. Navigate to Tools -> Choose 'User-Defined Fields..'
  2. Click on the icon to create a new field
  3. Fill the relevant information 
    • Name - Provide a name to the User Defined Field
    • Container Name - should always be 'Instance'
    • Nullable - Enable the option if the field can remain Null
    • Must Fill Before Survey Is Live - Enable if you want to force the user to fill this field when moving to Production
    • Value Type - Choose the type that this field should be assigned with (List/Integer/DateTime etc.)
      • When Value type list will be chosen the 'Option Name' field will be enabled for you to enter the values 
  4. Once done click on 'OK'
  5. The list of all fields will be shown in the main screen
  6. To fill the fields and set them navigate to the Survey root - Survey Info 
    a new section called 'Survey Custom Properties' that will show the list you created 
    Please Note: when there is no value the row will show in 'Red' to alert a value must be added. 
  7. When moving the Survey to 'Production' you will be prompt with the following message - click 'OK'
  8. An error will be prompt if one/all the custom properties does not have a value

That's It !

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