Answer Scales


A very useful feature of SurveyToGo is answer scales. A Scale is a set of pre-defined answers that you can then re-use throughout your survey without the need to add the same answers list again and again. 

The use of answer scales is recommended as it can:

  • Save you a lot of time during survey design especially when you have long repeating answer lists
  • Avoid the risk of errors
  • Dramatically reduce the maintenance effort and risk of such lists when the questionnaire and list is updated.

Note: When the script is created the first step is building the skeleton (adding chapters and sub chapters, adding the questions and the answers). At this stage you will add the answers of each question. Try to review first the questionnaire to identify repeating answer lists and create the scales. If you have any doubt if that is a repeating answer list then simply create it as a scale.

Using Answer Scales

Using answer scales involves:

  • Define the scale
  • Associate the scale with the relevant questions
  • Creating a scale from question answers/topics

Define a new answer scale

In order to define a new answer scale:


  1. Switch to the “Advanced” tab of the survey node and click the “Edit Answer Scales” link:
  2. Click the “+” button to create a new scale:

  3. Enter the relevant answers in the scale grid by clicking on the “Text” cells and entering answers:
    note you can set other properties other then the text as well through this screen.
  4. When you are done configuring answers, enter a name for the scale and either click OK to finish or the “+” to add another scale:

    ** You can click the “Create Name” button to have SurveyToGo generate a name for your scale automatically.

Associating scales with questions

In order to associate a scale with a question:

  1. Click the relevant question and switch to the answer tab:
  2. Select the relevant scale from the available answer scales by choosing from the scales dropdown list:
  3. Notice that the answers are automatically filled once you select the scale:

Creating a scale from question answers/topics

There may be cases where you have already started creating the questions and answers and entered an answers list directly into the question and then later you find out that this answer list is actually a repeating one.In such a case you will be able co convert the existing list to an answer scale by:
  1. Right Click the question in the script designer tree and select the following

  2. Once selected you can go and edit the scale name as it will be taken by default from the question's text.

That's It!

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