How to Update the Organization Contacts


Each organization has several contact people defined for it. By default the main contact person is the one registering the Organization in SurveyToGo. The main contact and the other organization contacts receive the automated notifications from our server regarding his organization, notifications like: organization is low on Credits or low on Storage space.

At certain events of personal and/or organizational changes (for example the person that registered the organization is no longer no longer employed in the company, no longer responsible for SurveyToGo etc) there is a need to change the e-mail address that receives those notifications. You can easily change the email address of the organization contact person and add additional contacts to the notification list.

In this How-To we will show you how to change the E-Mail address of the organization contact person and add additional contacts with their information 

Right click on your organization name and select “Edit Organization properties”:  mceclip1.png

In the Main Properties tab you can change the contact person’s e-mail (and other information as well):mceclip0.png  

In the Other contact info tab you can add additional contacts to the notification list:



Please note that you can dd more email contacts to the Email field by separating them with a semicolon (i.e. ';')

That’s It!


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