How To View your Account Usage & Attachments Reports


SurveyToGo Studio allows you to constantly view your account usage in terms of balance and results.
In this ‘How To’ I will show the main features for viewing this data within your organization.

Viewing your accounts balance

Step 1: Go in to the ‘My SurveyToGo Account’.

Step 2: choose ‘Ongoing Usage Report’

Step 3: Now you would be able to view your balance, ongoing usage and export this to excel.


Viewing your accounts Monthly Usage Report

Step 1: Go in to the ‘My SurveyToGo Account’.

Step 2: choose ‘Monthly Usage Summary Report’

Step 3: Now you would be able to view your balance, divided per project, per survey and total.
This is exportable too.


By ticking the "Show detailed report" you get a detailed report including the dates, surveyor, subject IDs etc.


Viewing your ‘Result Attachment Usage Report’

Step 1: Go in to the ‘My SurveyToGo Account’.

Step 2: choose ‘Result Attachment Usage Report’

Step 3: Now you would be able to view your attachment usage report.
If you wish to save data, you can Archive the attachments on your machine, by taking it off from our servers, but please note that by doing this your attachments would be on your own responsibility.
This is exportable too.


Viewing your Usage By Period Report.

Step 1: Go in to the ‘My SurveyToGo Account’.

Step 2: choose ‘Usage By Period Report’

Step 3: Now you would be able to view your usage per survey, project & client.
This is exportable too.


Viewing your Storage Usage Report.

Step 1: Go in to the ‘My SurveyToGo Account’.

Step 2: choose ‘Storage Usage Report’

Step 3: Now you would be able to view your Storage Usage Report.

By selecting a project in the tree (highlighted in the above screenshot) you can see a list of attachments that uses the storage space, in the right part of the window, next to the tree.

Purchasing Interviews

By clicking on the ‘Purchase Interviews’ node, you would be able to purchase more results through your studio.

That’s it !

Those are the main features of the ‘My SurveyToGo Account’ Node.

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