Bluestacks is a free utility that allows you to run a complete Android device on your Windwos PC. It can save you up on tablet costs as you can have scripters test surveys using Bluestacks instead of purchasing additional hardware and devices for them. Here is how to install SurveyToGo on your Bluestack app once you have downloaded and installed Bluestacks.
- Step 1: Download SurveyToGo for Android APK file.
- Step 2: Install the APK on Bluestacks
Step 1: Download SurveyToGo for Android APK file
To download the SurveyToGo for Android APK file:
- Open this link and save it on your PC:
Step 2: Install the APK on Bluestacks
To then install the APK file to Bluestacks:
- Open the folder: C:\Program Files\BlueStacks then
- Drag the APK file and then drop it onto the HD-ApkHandler.exe file:
- This will install the APK and you will see the following confirmation message:
- Once complete, the following notification will show on the bottom right of your screen:
- And you will see SurveyToGo appear in the “My apps” of Bluestacks:
- You can now tap on it to launch SurveyToGo.
- That’s it!
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