In addition to the native SurveyToGo question types and renderings, you can add a question and configure it so that you will be in full control of how that question is rendered in CAWI surveys.
For example, instead of showing the single choice question rendered as Highlighted Border as usual:
You can instead put in a custom Highlighted Border control that will look different along with some custom behavior if necessary. For example, here is a JQuery Highlighted Border:
In this How-to we will show you how to use an existing custom question rendering package and specify for a question that it should use the package to render in a custom way. In the following how-to article we dive into the ins and outs of how to create a custom rendering CAWI package.
To use an existing CAWI Custom Question Rendering Package the following steps are needed:
- Step 1: Register the Package file to the Organization Library.
- Step 2: Configure the question to use the custom package file.
Step 1: Register the Package file to the Organization Library
- Navigate to the Library -> Organization CAWI Custom Rendering Packages node
- Double Click to Open
- Click on 'Register Package' - Choose the Package you want to register and click 'Open'
- A new package will be shown in the list of packages
Step 2: Configure the Question to use the custom package file
- Navigate to the Survey and Question you would like to use the Custom Render in
- Mark the Question and choose the 'Web Rendering' Tab
- Choose the Package you would like to use
That's It !
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