How To Use Parameters from Your CAWI Link in your Survey


Usually when working with Panel companies you will provide them with a unique link (either one link or several unique links), click here to learn how. 

The panel companies will usually add more parameters, e.g.: Status, Participant UniqueID etc.,  which will be sent to the end user as part of the final link to complete the interview. 

These parameters can be accessed and used in the SurveyToGo script as well. 


  • Receive the Parameter exact name to be used


The below link was sent to the customer: 

From the link above we would like to retrieve the information for:

  • Ticket = N8BVGIO7
  • UID = 0

The function to use is called ExternParam("ParameterName") 
(Replace the ParametrName with the actual parameter name from your link)

You can use the function as any other function in your script either Start/End Script of the relevant question or an Expression Question etc. 

That's It !

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1 comment
  • Do I have to copy the links one by one
    in the operations page?

    Can I do this via CAWI?
    Is there a better way than copying since I can't export the links?

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