How To Customize your CAWI End Pages Links


In some cases you might be asked to re-direct the Finish Page and the screenout page to a specific link, in this guide we will elaborate more how this can be done. 

Online Video

Direct Youtube link (for full screen):


  1. Navigate to the CAWI tab of the survey and choose 'Web Survey Display Options' 
  2. Navigate to the 'Style' tab Choose one of the Styles we offer scroll down to the section called 'Web Pages' and un-check the option to 'Use Defaults'
  3. The following page are available to be updated
    Finish - The page to redirect when the survey is finished
    Cancel - The page to redirect when the survey is cancelled
    Filter - The page to redirect when the survey is filtered
    Non-Active page - The page to redirect when it's a non active page
    Error Page - The page to redirect when there is an error while conducting the survey
    Already Conducted Page - The page to redirect when the survey was already conducted
    Full Quota Page - The page to redirect when the Quota is full
  4. Click on 'Edit' - to edit the text that you would like to appear in the End Page 
  5. In cases when you are using a dynamic link and would like to embed parameters from your script or participants link follow these steps:
    Please note: To separate between the parameters add '&' before
    • External Parameters - Identifiers that were added to the URL that are sent to the participant. 
      • uid=(Ex:Ticket) - the unique ID that is generated for each participant 
    • Respondent List Parameters - use parameters that were defined in your respondents list, click here to learn how to create.
      The parameter is added between brackets () with the word 'sbj:' and then the Parameter name for example:
      • Gender=(Sbj:Gender) - A column in your respondent links that is called 'Gender'.
    • Variable Names - Use variable names from your survey to be added to the end link 
      • Age=(An:Age) - A variable name in your survey called 'Age' 
  6. Once Done click on 'OK' to save changes

 That's It !

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