In this article we will learn how to add and use custom fonts in a survey.
There are 2 options available to add a custom font:
- From Local Path - Add the font file from a local path in your Device.
- From Survey Attachment - Add the font file to the survey Attachments and then choose it.
From Local Path
1.Copy the font file to a local path on the device/SD card.
2. Navigate to 'Language'
3. Hold the 'Ctrl'+'Shift' and choose 'Edit Language'
4. Choose the Language you would like to add the custom font to and check the 'Use Custom Font' (Note the default option is 'None').
5. Enter the path where you have copied the font file on the device with the name of the file that you would like to use e.g. '/storage/emulated/0/FILENAME.TTF'
Please note: This file and path should be the same for all relevant devices.
6. Click OK
From Survey Attachment
Add the font to the survey as an attachment
1. In the Survey navigate to 'Advanced' tab
2. Click on 'Edit Survey Attachments'
3. Click on 'New' and choose the file you would like to add.
4. Click on 'Add Files' and then 'Upload' and once it's finished click on 'OK'.
After adding the font file to the survey as an attachment we will connect the file to the Language as follows:
1. Navigate to 'Language'
2. Hold the 'Ctrl'+'Shift' and choose 'Edit Language'
3. Choose the Language you would like to add the custom font to and check the 'Use Custom Font' (Note the default option is 'None').
4. Choose the 'From Survey Attachment' and choose the font file that you have added.
5. Click OK.
That's It !
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