How to Display the Questions in a Different Color on each Iteration


This guide will explain how display the questions in a different color on each iteration.  


The following steps will guide you how to do that (the example is for one question in the iteration):

1. Create a Multiple selection question with an answer scale that the loop will run by.

2. Create a Single Choice question as a Dummy before entering the loop.

3. In the Dummy question's Answers tab add the answers text you would like to display in the first question inside the loop.

4. For each answer: click on the answer, then click edit and choose a different color for the text and click OK.

Please note: It is important to be consistent in the dummy questions-
answer index 1 must be in color that fits product with index 1,
answer index 2 must be in color that fits product with index 2, etc'..

5. Create your first question inside the loop. The text of the question will be {0} and Enter ({0} is a place-holder we will pipe to, and the Enter is because you have to include any kind of HTML in the question in order to make it work). 

6. Go to the scripts tab -->Question Start Script and implement the following code: SetTextFormat(CurrQues,AnswerText(QRef(WRITE HERE THE INDEX OF RELEVANT DUMMY QUESTION), IterationIndex));

7. It will then look like this

In the attached example survey you would find a demonstration of the how to implement this type of logic. 

In order to test the sample, please follow this manual on how to import the survey to your studio -

That's It! 

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