The compound grids, is a loop of X questions which is shown as a grid instead of looping over the questions one by one. For example, you can display all the questions of an iteration as a grid.
1. Create a chapter that will hold different question types (Single Choice, Multiple Selection, Open Ended etc.)
2. Set the chapter to run in a loop.
3. On the Loops tab we’ve added the new “Render as grid”:
Which will then render the loop as a grid with each question being a column and each row being a loop iteration:
Compound Grid Callback Function - OnRenderGridInit()
In order to pipe the function 'OnRenderGridInit() should be used as follows:
function OnRenderGridInit(inChapterIndex, ioParams){
if(inChapterIndex==3) //Verifies that the chapter is chapter index 3 in the script
for(var i=1; i<=6; i++)
var IterationText = AnswerChoice(QRef(101),i);
ioParams.Rows[i].Name = IterationText;
You can also use this function to set the alignment and other params for the Grid
function OnRenderGridInit(inChapterIndex, ioParams){
if (inChapterIndex == 3){
ioParams.CellAlignment = eRenderGridAlignment.Center;
ioParams.ColumnHeaderAlignment = eRenderGridAlignment.Top;
ioParams.RowHeaderAlignment = eRenderGridAlignment.Bottom;
ioParams.Columns[0].WidthPercentage = 10;
ioParams.Columns[1].WidthPercentage = 70;
ioParams.Columns[2].WidthPercentage = 20;
ioParams Available
- Columns Parameters
- WidthPercentage - will set the column width
- ColumnHeaderAlignment - Will set the Column Alignment
Values: Top/Bottom/Center
- Rows Parameters
- RowHeaderAlignment - Will set the Row Alignment
Values: Top/Bottom/Center
- RowHeaderAlignment - Will set the Row Alignment
- Cell Parameters
- CellAlignment - Will set the Cell Alignment
Values: Top/Bottom/Center
- CellAlignment - Will set the Cell Alignment
IMPORTANT NOTE: Text piping to questions that are part of a compound grid:
Unlike text piping to "regular" questions (Click Here to learn about Text Piping), when done in a compound grid, the piping code should be placed in the loop chapter's start script (instead of in the question's start script). So for example, if I have question index 10 inside loop chapter index 5 that is a compound grid, and I want to pipe a text, "MyText" to that Q10, I'll write this code in the chapter's start script: SetTextFormat(QRef(10), "MyText");
In the attached example survey you would find a demonstration of the how to implement this type of logic.
In order to test the sample, please follow this manual on how to import the survey to your studio - http://support.dooblo.net/entries/22388573-How-to-import-a-survey
That's It !
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