How To Use Random Groups


When randomizing answers, if you want to limit the randomization of a group of answers to only randomize among itself you can use random groups.

For example let’s assume that the question contains a set of 6 answers:


And I want to group answer 1-3 and 4-6.


1. In the advanced tab of the question enable the ‘Randomize Answers/Topics’ option:2.png

 2. Click on the "Answer properties" link on the top of the advanced tab:3.png

3. In the grid of answers, scroll right until you reach the "Random Group" column. all answers will have a  -1 value under this column. Place a unique identifier for each group, in our example:4.png

The result will be that answers 1,2,3 will be randomized within their group and so will 4,5 and 6:


If you wish that an answer will not take part in any random group and remain static, just leave its group -1 and check the box on the column to the right called "Do not random".

If you also want the groups order to randomize you can add a header to each group:


  1. Add the answers that will be headers.
  2. Enter the answer properties menu (as shown in step 2 above)
  3. Enable the ‘Is header’ property for those answers.
  4. In the column 'Random Group' enter the same group number for all Answer Headers. 

Please note: If you answers are within a scale please check this option as well 'Use Scale's random'.

The result of such a randomization will be for example:



That’s it!

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