How-To Stop and Save an Interview and then Continue


This how-to will show you how to stop an interview and save it and how to continue it.

Step 1:

Enter a survey on the device, when you reach the question you want to stop in press the device ‘←’ button and choose ‘Yes’.

Step 2:

In order to get back to the survey, press the interview from the uncompleted interview list.

Step 3:

Choose ‘Continue’

Please Note: 

When a survey version is changed, interviews that have been stopped and saved on the device using an older version and are continued will start from the first question.

That is a normal behavior as if you have change something in the script that would impact the data consistency (change script logic etc.) we want to make sure that the interview data will comply with that new logic.

The data is all there and if you simply click next next in the interview you will see the data is there. Do so until you reach the last question the interview was at before it was stopped and saved and continue interviewing from that point on.

In case you have made a change that is not impacting logic or data consistency you can set the survey to not go to start but continue from the exact same place where it was stopped at. This is done by setting the below survey property:

When enabled, if the changes made to the survey do not affect the structure of the survey, then the interview will be continued from the last page. Otherwise the interview will return to the first page.

Please note: This option is off by default on all surveys made in older versions of Studio. 

That’s it!

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