On the left part of the designer window we have the survey tree. This tree represents the survey’s structure, including all the chapters and questions in it.
The first root node is the survey’s name. If you wish you can change the survey’s name by clicking on the node and edit the text in it.
Next we have the Root Chapter node. The root chapter is the main chapter of the survey, and it exists in every survey. This chapter is the “Parent node” of all chapters and questions in the survey that will appear under it. You cannot delete or move this chapter.
As you can see, under the root chapter in this survey, appears the survey’s questions. Each question has its own type, running index, short ID and the question’s body text.
To add a new question to the tree, you just mark the question/chapter you want to add the new question after, go to the Question menu -> New -> and select the question type you wish.
To add a new chapter to the tree, you right click on the parent chapter and choose “Add sub-chapter”.
In the middle section you see the details and configuration of a specific node in the survey tree (chapter or a question).
For more detailed info about Question Types please see the following tutorial:
The first tab is the View tab. In the view tab you first configure the question’s type.
Next, you have the Question tab and the Answers tab. In the question tab you configure the question’s body text. In the Answers tab you configure the question’s Answers.
The next two tabs are the Rules tab and Scripts tab. We won’t go into details on these tabs herethey’re part of the Survey Scripting guide which is covered in the Survey Scripting Guide(add link here) . We’ll only mention that in these tabs you implement the logic needed such as dynamically determining if the question will be displayed or not (entrance rule), check if the values entered match the requirements ( validation rules), skip to another section based on the entered values (jump rules), determine how the question should look like for example dynamically showing or hiding specific Answers (Start Script) and other actions you wish to implement before this question is displayed or after a value has been entered.
Next we have the Variables tab. In this tab you configure the question’s variable name, which has to be unique for each question in your survey. Each new question you add has a unique variable name generated by the system as a default, but you can change it to match your standards, as long as it stays unique. This variable name will be what will identify this question in each collected interview when you later export the collected data.
These is also the advanced tab, where you configure different settings of the question. We won’t cover here every setting (this is covered in the questions detailed description) but you can find here a lot of different options such as randomization options, allowing a question to be optional and more.
Last is the Quality Control tab where you can configure different ways to assure the quality of the conducted interview. To learn how to setup a quality control chapter refer this guide- http://support.dooblo.net/hc/en-us/articles/208294775-How-to-setup-a-quality-assurance-chapter
Survey Configuration
Please see the following tutorial:
Survey Properties
That’s it!
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