SurveyToGo allows you to run your survey in more than one language. You can add as many languages as needed and can also specify which language is the default one. Once more languages are added to the survey, the interviewer in the field will have the option to switch between languages in real-time as he proceeds with the interview.
Adding support for multiple languages is composed of the following steps:
- Step 1: Add a new language to the survey
- Step 2: Translate the survey – either from within the SurveyToGo Studio or export the survey to excel for external translation.
- Step 3: View the survey in different languages on the device.
There are 2 methods to implement steps 1 & 2
- Method 1 - From within the survey script -> Languages menu (for those who have script access)
- Method 2 - Survey Main Menu (for those who do not have access to the script)
Method 1 - Within the Survey Script
2 Options are available:
- Using the 'Translation' tab in the survey.
- Using the Main menu called 'Language'
Using the 'Translations' tab in the survey
Functionality is similar as the above using the main menu only from a centralized tab within the survey itself to export & import the translations
Creating New Languages
- Click on 'Add Language' to create a new language for the survey
- Once added you can use the different settings to set for the language (Active, RTL, Custom fonts).
- Remove - will remove the new language
Managing the Translations
- Import Organization Translations - The Survey Texts are similar and constant for all surveys and organizations therefore you can add translations on the organization level so there will be one unified translation for each language, click here to learn more how.
- Import Translations - Click this option once the translation file is ready to be imported.
- Export All Languages - will create a file with all the languages and their translations
- Export Language - will export the specific language that you chose with it's translation
- Missing translations - Use this option to verify that there are no missing translations will provide the list of missing translations for a specific language once clicked.
Using the Main menu called 'Language'
Step 1: Add a new language to the survey
To add a new language to the survey, simple:
- click on the “Add new language” option from the languages drop down list:
- Next, give the new language a name (it will later be shown on the device by that name) and select it from the list of languages. If the language you add does not appear on the list of languages you can simply select a different language – it will not do any harm:
* If the language you are adding is a “Right-To-Left” language, check the “Is RTL” box. This will make SurveyToGo make the texts and buttons be right aligned when this language is chosen on the device. - Click the OK button.
Note that you can add more than one language. There is no limit to the number of languages you can add. You will now see the new language appear on the language selection box:
IMPORTANT NOTE: when the non-default language is selected from the language box, you can’t add questions or answers or change question types. You can only translate the survey. To gain control of the survey design, please switch to the default language:
Step 2: Translate the survey – either from within the SurveyToGo Studio or export the survey to excel for external translation.
After adding the language, you will now need to go ahead and translate the survey to that language. The objects that can be translated are:
- Question texts
- Answer texts
- Answer Scales
- Validation rule messages
- Survey messages (error message, general notification messages etc)
There are 2 methods of getting your survey translated:
- From within the SurveyToGo Studio – this involves translating the texts one by one.
- Exporting all the texts to an Excel document, sending it to translation and importing the translated excel back. This is a more robust way and saves time.
Translation Option 1: Translating the survey from within the SurveyToGo Studio – this involves translating the texts one by one
To translate the survey from within the SurveyToGo Studio do the following:
- Switch to the new language from the language selection box:
- Next, you will notice that the question texts etc show up in the original language as this is the default, however you can simply override the texts with the translated texts:
And after overriding the text: - You can do this for each of the question and answers.
- To translate the various survey messages and texts, switch to the “Survey Texts” tab of the survey:
And simply override the relevant message you wish to translate. For example, to change the “no answer” message that comes up when you try to continue without answering a question:
Translation Option 2: Exporting all the texts to an Excel document
In this method which is more suited to companies working with external translators, you first export all the survey texts and message to excel, and then import them back after a translator has translated the texts in the correct column of the excel document.
- Select the “Language > Export Texts”
- Select the language you wish to translate from the available languages:
- Choose a file name to export the texts to
- Select The Text Preferences that you wish to export as well
- Survey Content Texts - these are the survey Questions, Answers, Scales, Quota Names and any other survey related fields
- Survey Interface Texts - These are the Survey Texts such as the Buttons, Error Messages, Notifications etc.)
- Select the File Structure Preferences
- Include 'Client Text' - enable the option if you would like to include the Survey Texts in the exported file
- Include Extra Identifiers columns - enable this option to add the variable names, short ID & Coding columns.
- Click the 'Export' button, which will then create the excel file.
The excel file that was generated now includes 5 columns, the original texts of the questions and answers are shown in column D, while the translated texts need to be written in column E. Here is a schematic display of the file:
So, for example, to translate this question (Question number 1: What is your favorite color):
Some important notes on how to translate the texts:
- Add all translations under column E and do not format the files in anyway except the translations adding.
- Where you see a text containing placeholders ({0}, {1}, ...), make sure to leave those place holders in the translated text as well (this is for dynamic text piping).
- Where you see this text: "@_@ITERNAME@_@", make sure to leave it in the translated text as well.
- Where you see a text with HTML formatting tags (such as <b>, <u>, <br>, </b>, ....), please leave the exact same tags in the translated text as well.
Once you finish translating all the texts you need, you can then import the translated excel to SurveyToGo and in turn your translated texts will be applied automatically.
Steps to Import:
- Select the “Language > Import Texts”:
- Select the correct file name that contains the translated excel and click the “Load button”:
- Verify that the correct language is indicated and then click the “Import” button:
The correct language should be selected automatically. If it is not, switch to the correct language. - If the import was successfully completed you will see an output that indicates the success and you can click the “Close” button:
- That’s it, the survey texts were now translated according to your translation file.
Please Note: You can setup any of the languages to be the default startup language - Click on Languages -> Edit Languages
in the following screen choose the Language you would like to be the startup Language and enable the option 'Is Startup Language'
Method 2 - Main Survey Menu
Add a new language to the survey
- Right click the survey to select Manage translations:
- Click on Create Language
- Choose the Language you would like to add
Translate the survey by exporting to Excel
- Right click the survey to select Manage translations:
- Click on the Export Language option
- Select the Language file to export
- Specify the file name and press Export
Import the Language file
- Right click the survey to select Manage translations
- Click the Import Language option
- Specify the file to load and click Load. It will automatically load the language name to the dialogue
- Click on the Import Button
Please Note: Be careful not to press the Import as Default button you see on the bottom left. That will override the default scripted texts (normally English). It is used in rare scenarios and I do not see any need for you to use it. - Once imported press Close, then press OK. It will tell you that the language was updated and the script saved properly.
Please Note: You can setup any of the languages to be the default startup language - Click on Edit Languages
in the following screen choose the Language you would like to be the startup Language and enable the option 'Is Startup Language'
Step 3: View the survey in different languages on the device
CAWI surveys: CAWI surveys do not have a language button so you should add a question to choose the language and based on the answer display the relevant language, click here to learn more how to implement.
View the survey in different languages on an android device:
After syncing the translated survey to the device, you will now have the ability to switch between languages on the device itself when ever needed. To switch the language from the device:
Open the “options" menu and click on 'languages' then choose the preferred language:
After changing the language, you will see the translated text:
View the survey in different languages on PC Surveyor:
Press the Language button and select choose the preferred language:
After changing the language, you will see the translated text:
How to view collected results in multiple languages:
Once multiple languages are defined in a survey, you can select the language you want to view the results in, when observing though the operation console:
When opening a result in the operation console, in the Observation window you can choose the Display Language:
How to export the data in multiple languages:
Once multiple languages are defined in a survey, you can choose the language you want to export the data in:
When exporting the results through the Export Wizard, in the Options tab you can choose the language you want to export in:
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