How To Set The Order Of Iterations Within a Loop


This How-To will explain and show how you can set the order of iterations within a given loop chapter.

Add the needed Call-Back function to the ‘Advanced Scripts’

Add the following code to your advanced script’s box:
function OnCreateIterationOrder(inChapterIndex, inIterationOrder)



This function is a callback so is called by the runtime engine when a loop chapter is entered (while conducting a survey).
the 1st parameter, ‘inChapterIndex’ passes through the current chapters index that the surveyor is located, for example:


Note: The index is 4 in this case.

And the 2nd parameter, ‘inIterationOrder’ passes through the original iteration order of the loop, for example:
If chapter 1 is a loop that iterates 5 times, it will pass through: [1,2,3,4,5].

Add the relevant code to the Call-Back function in order to perform your logical script.

Configure your function to suit your logical scripts.
In the above example (screenshot) chapter 4 (Q11) iterates 5 times based on an answer scale.

Lets also assume that I have int he survey a prior question that is with variable name Q1 and has 5 answers (uses the same scale) and that I have set it to randomize the answers.
We want chapter to iterate in the same order as the answers of Q1 were we can write the call back to be:

function OnCreateIterationOrder(inChapterIndex, inIterationOrder)
    var retVal = inIterationOrder;
        retVal = GetQuestionAnswersRandomOrder(Q1);
    return retVal;

* this should be written in the function we wrote in Step 1, within the advanced scripts box, as following:

You can write any script that you wish in order set different loop iterations order with this method.

Tip: As Chapter indexes may move while you script (add additional chapters etc.) you can build a function that returns the chapter index from its name:

function GetCahpterIndexFromName(inName)
var retVal = -1;
var chapters = GetAllChapters();

for (var i=0; i<chapters.length; i++)
if (chapters[i].Name == inName)
retVal = chapters[i].Idx;
return retVal;


That’s it!

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1 comment
  • Dear yevhen,
    Thanks for your mail but i in urgent situation and I can not read guide. Can you say me should I add that codes to where?

    function OnCreateIterationOrder(inChapterIndex, inIterationOrder)
    var retVal = inIterationOrder;
    if (inChapterIndex == 6)
    retVal = GetQuestionAnswersRandomOrder(Urun)
    return retVal

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