Randomizing Survey Questions, Answers & Topics


SurveyToGo has complete randomization support for the following:

  • Randomize all (or some) answers of a question
  • Randomize topics of a multi topics question
  • Randomize all the questions of a chapter

Setup Randomization

Randomize all (or some) answers of a question

It is very easy to randomize the answers of a question. For example, if you have this question:


And you wish to randomize the order of the answers shown, simply:

  1. Switch to the “Advanced” tab of the question:

  2. Then, on the bottom, check the “Randomized answers” box:

  3. That’s it!

If you need to randomize all the answers but keep one answer static, for example – in the following question, we would like to keep the last answer not randomized:


To do this, follow the same steps as above to get the answers to be randomized, but in addition do the following:

  1. In the “Advanced” tab, click the “Answer Properties” link:

  2. In the answer properties screen, scroll to the right and check the “Do not Randomize” box of the relevant answer:
  3. Click the OK button.
  4. To retrieve the randomization order for the Answers use this function:

Randomize topics of a Multi Topics question

It is very easy to randomize the topics of a multi topic . For example, if you have this question:


And you wish to randomize the order of the topics shown, simply:

  1. Switch to the “Advanced” tab of the question:

  2. Then, on the bottom, check the “Randomized answers” box:

  3. To retrieve the randomization order for the Topics use this function:

Randomize all the questions of a chapter

It is very easy to randomize all the questions in a chapter. For example, if you have this chapter:

That includes the questions:

  1. Q4:
  2. Q5:
  3. Q6:

And you wish to randomize the order of the questions shown, simply:

  1. Select the Chapter and switch to the “Advanced” tab:
  2. Then, on the bottom, check the “Randomized chapters questions” box:
    If you need to have the questions randomized in a “Cyclic” method, you can check the “Cyclic” box. “Cyclic” means that while the first question is selected at random, the next questions will be the ones after the first as set in the original order.
  3. To retrieve the randomization order for the questions use this function (since all the questions are randomized under a chapter you can use this code in one of the questions no need to add this to each question):

If you need to exclude one or more questions from of the chapter randomization:

  1. Select the relevant question and click the “Advanced” tab. Then, check the “Do not random (as part of chapter)” box:


  1. That’s it!
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