Using the SurveyToGo REST API to retrieve data to a Google Sheet



  1. Open Google Sheets and create a new Sheet
  2. Navigate to the Tools Menu and choose 'Script Editor' 
  3. A new tab will be opened in the browser with an empty 
  4. Place your code that uses the REST API to retrieve the data within the function and save
  5. Creating Trigger - Create a trigger that will update/refresh the data when file is opened
    In the Script Editor - navigate to 'Edit' menu - and choose 'Current project's triggers' 
  6. In the following window click on the link 'Click here to add one now' 
  7. In the Run - choose the function we have just created and in the Events choose 'From Spreadsheet' along with 'On Open' and save.
  8. Save your Trigger and the script and re-open the google sheet.

Thank you!

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