CAWI Participant List Filtering when sending via Email


When using a participant list, or more than one, you can use the participant lists and their fields as a filter to send the emails out.

For example: when you have different participants languages you can add a column called Lang and then use this column to filter the emails based on that and create templates per language. 

This guide will describe how to do this


Please note that before you start make sure that you have created the participants list which should include all the relevant fields you would like to filter by.

  1. Navigate to the CAWI Tab and click on Notify By email 
  2. Design your email template setting, click here to learn more how
  3. Once reaching the 'Send Settings' Tab Click on 'Select/Manage Lists'
  4. Choose the Participant list that you would like to use as a filter and click OK
  5. The Filter Participants section will be enabled and the list of fields to filter by will be shown
  6.  Choose one of the fields that you want to use and click on + to add it 
  7. once added choose the values you would like to filter by from the list (you can start typing and it will complete it)
    • Click on Clear - to clear the values chosen to filter if you would like to reset the values.
    • You can choose more than one field to filter by 
  8. Click on 'Save Changes' to save your filtering options and settings for next time.
  9. Click on 'View participants List' to see the list of participants that meet the filtering option you have set to make sure that there are emails to be sent
    1. If no participants will be available you will be prompt that there 0 participants available to send and you should make the necessary adjustments to the filtering 
  10. When done Click 'Next' 

That's It !

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