
void OpenUserSelection(string inTag)


This function opens a dialog window with a customized title and answer options. It calls the callback function "OnGetUserSelectionItems" that generates the custom content and the action to take per the selection made (Click Here to learn about this callback function).


The following is a list of parameters the functions receives 

Parameter Type Description
inTag string Name of the tag 


Return Type




"OpenUserSelection("myOnCancelPrompt")" will call the "OnGetUserSelectionItems" callback function with "myOnCancelPrompt" as the "inTag" parameter.

The following callback function implementation will do the following - If the current selection in the "myOnCancelPrompt" dialog is empty, create a prompt with user selection with two answers, "Yes" and "No", and the title will be "Are you sure you want to cancel?". If the selection is not empty, if it is "2" ("No"), the interview will be cancelled:

function OnGetUserSelectionItems(ioList, inTag, inCurrSelection, ioParams)
if (inTag == "myOnCancelPrompt") {
// build the window text and buttons
if (inCurrSelection == null) {
ioList.Add("Yes", 1);
ioList.Add("No", 2);
ioParams.Title = "Are you sure you want to cancel?";
// do actions based on selected answer
else {
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  • The file doc class categories define the all selection between parties parts arround the relation in the time for all last old steep give it here the liason as the MachineBoot _UserPass as be all selection between give here the steep define the securities ways open doc

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