Dimensions (Unicom Intelligence) Global-functions supported by SurveyToGo


The Dimensions (Unicom Intelligence) scripting environment contains many Global-functions that the scripter can use during scripting in addition to the methods of objects. While most commonly used Global-functions are supported by the SurveyToGo Dimensions integration, some are not supported. This article lists the full list of Global-functions of Dimensions and details which are supported and which are not. Some of the Global-functions not currently supported will be supported in the future.


Dimensions Functions

Here is the detailed list of functions and an indication of whether they are supported as of now or not:

MDD Function Supported Categrory Function Description
AnswerCount TRUE Categorical Functions Returns the number of categories selected in a category list.
ContainsAll TRUE Categorical Functions Identifies whether a category list contains all of the categories in a given list.
ContainsAllExactly FALSE Categorical Functions  
ContainsAny TRUE Categorical Functions Identifies whether a category list contains one or more categories in a given list.
ContainsAnyExactly FALSE Categorical Functions  
ContainsSome TRUE Categorical Functions Identifies whether a category list contains some of the categories in a given list.
DefinedCategories TRUE Categorical Functions Returns a set of categories of a categorical variable.
DefinedElements FALSE Categorical Functions Returns a set of elements of a categorical variable.
DefinedFactors FALSE Categorical Functions Returns a set of factor numbers as defined on the categories in a variable.
DefinedListElements FALSE Categorical Functions Returns a set of elements of a categorical variable.
Difference FALSE Categorical Functions Returns the difference of two category lists--that is, it returns the categories that are in the first category list but not in the second.
Factor FALSE Categorical Functions Returns the factor defined for an element of a categorical variable.
FilterBy FALSE Categorical Functions An alias to the Intersection function.
GetAnswer FALSE Categorical Functions Returns a specified category in a category list.
HasAnswer FALSE Categorical Functions Identifies whether a specified category is in a category list.
Intersection FALSE Categorical Functions Returns the intersection of two or more category lists--that is, it returns the categories that appear in all of the category lists.
LBound FALSE Categorical Functions Returns the smallest available subscript for the indicated dimension of an array. By default, the lower bound is returned for the first dimension of the array.
Merge FALSE Categorical Functions Returns the union of a number of categorical values; that is, returns the categories that are in any of the input categorical values.
ReDim FALSE Categorical Functions Re-sizes an array to a given size. By default, the array contents are preserved.
UBound TRUE Categorical Functions Returns the largest available subscript for the indicated dimension of an array. By default, the upper bound is returned for the first dimension of the array.
Union FALSE Categorical Functions Returns the union of two or more category lists--that is, it returns all of the categories that are in one or more of the category lists.
Unique FALSE Categorical Functions Returns a category list with any duplicate categories removed.
XUnion FALSE Categorical Functions Returns the exclusive union of two category lists--that is, it returns all of the categories that are in either one of the category lists, but not in both.
Find TRUE Text or Categorical Functions Searches a string, a category list, or an array, for a specified substring, subcategory list, or subarray, and if it is found, returns its start position.
Left TRUE Text or Categorical Functions Returns a string containing the first characters from a string, a category list containing the first categories from a category list, or an array containing the first elements from an array.
Len TRUE Text or Categorical Functions Returns a Long containing the number of characters in a string, the number of categories in a category list, or the number of elements in an array.
Mid TRUE Text or Categorical Functions Returns a string containing a number of characters from a position in a string, a category list containing a number of categories from a position in a category list, or an array containing a number of elements from a position in an array.
Right TRUE Text or Categorical Functions Returns a string containing the last characters from a string, a category list containing the last categories from a category list, or an array containing the last elements from an array.
AscW TRUE Text Functions Returns an integer value representing the Unicode character code for a character.
ChrW TRUE Text Functions Returns the character that corresponds to a given Unicode character code.
Format TRUE Text Functions Returns a string that is the result of formatting a value according to one or more specified styles.
FormatValue FALSE Text Functions Identical to the Format function, except that the metadata to be used for formatting is provided by one variable, while the value to be formatted may come from elsewhere.
Hex TRUE Text Functions Returns a string representing the hexadecimal value of a number.
LCase TRUE Text Functions Returns a string that has been converted to lower case.
LTrim TRUE Text Functions Returns a copy of a string with leading spaces removed.
MakeMDMName FALSE Text Functions Replaces characters that are not allowed in the name of an MDM object, to produce a valid name.
MakeString TRUE Text Functions Returns a text string by concatenating one or more values.
Oct TRUE Text Functions Returns a string representing the octal value of a number.
RTrim TRUE Text Functions Returns a copy of a string with trailing spaces removed.
Split TRUE Text Functions Returns an array that contains substrings.
Trim TRUE Text Functions Returns a copy of a string with both leading spaces and trailing spaces removed.
UCase TRUE Text Functions Returns a string that has been converted to upper case.
BandDate FALSE Date Functions Reserved for future use.
DateAdd TRUE Date Functions Returns a date to which a specified time interval has been added.
DateDiff TRUE Date Functions Returns the time interval between two dates.
DateNow TRUE Date Functions Returns the current local date in a particular time zone.
DateOnly TRUE Date Functions Returns the date from a date and time value.
DatePart TRUE Date Functions Returns a specified part of a given date.
Day TRUE Date Functions Returns a whole number between 1 and 31, inclusive, representing the day of the month.
GetTimeZone FALSE Date Functions Returns the index value of a time zone defined in the registry on the server.
GetTimeZoneDaylightSaving FALSE Date Functions Returns True if daylight-saving is currently in effect at the specified time in the specified time zone, or False if not.
GetTimeZoneName FALSE Date Functions Returns the name of the local time zone.
GetTimeZoneOffset TRUE Date Functions Returns the number of minutes to add to or subtract from UTC time to get the local time.
Hour TRUE Date Functions Returns a whole number between 0 and 23, inclusive, representing the hour of the day.
LocalToUTCTime FALSE Date Functions Returns the UTC time that corresponds to a given local time.
Minute TRUE Date Functions Returns a whole number between 0 and 59, inclusive, representing the minute of the hour.
Month TRUE Date Functions Returns a whole number between 1 and 12, inclusive, representing the month of the year.
MonthName FALSE Date Functions Returns a string indicating the specified month.
Now TRUE Date Functions Returns the current local date and time in a particular time zone.
Second TRUE Date Functions Returns a whole number between 0 and 59, inclusive, representing the second of the minute.
SetTimeZone FALSE Date Functions Sets the time zone for a program.
TimeNow TRUE Date Functions Returns the current local time in a particular time zone.
TimeOnly FALSE Date Functions Returns the time from a date and time value.
UTCToLocalTime FALSE Date Functions Returns the local time that corresponds to a given UTC time.
WeekdayName FALSE Date Functions Returns a string indicating the specified day of the week.
Year TRUE Date Functions Returns a whole number representing the year.
CBoolean TRUE Conversion Functions Converts a value of any data type to a Boolean value.
CCategorical TRUE Conversion Functions Converts a value of any data type to a Categorical value.
CDate TRUE Conversion Functions Converts a value of any data type to a Date value.
CDouble TRUE Conversion Functions Converts a value of any data type to a Double value.
CLong TRUE Conversion Functions Converts a value of any data type to a Long value.
CText TRUE Conversion Functions Converts a value of any data type to a Text value.
GetRandomSeed TRUE Random Number Functions Returns the current starting point of the random number generator.
RanInt TRUE Random Number Functions Returns a random integer number.
Rnd TRUE Random Number Functions Returns a random decimal number.
SetRandomSeed TRUE Random Number Functions Sets the starting point for the random number generator.
FindItem TRUE List Functions Returns a specified item from a list, or NULL if the item isn't found.
GetReversalSeed FALSE List Functions Returns the current reversal state (which is used by the Rev function).
GetRotationSeed FALSE List Functions Returns the current rotation state (which is used by the Rot function).
Ran TRUE List Functions Returns a randomized copy of a list. An optional parameter defines how many items from the input list are included in the randomized list.
RandomPassword FALSE List Functions Returns a string whose content and length are selected randomly within the constraints specified by the parameters. Intended to be used to generate unpredictable passwords.
RanSequence FALSE List Functions Returns an array containing values selected randomly from a given series of integers.
Rev FALSE List Functions Returns an array containing copies of items from an input list, either in the normal order or in reverse order. The optional Count parameter defines how many items from the input list are included in the returned list.
RevSequence FALSE List Functions Returns an array containing values selected from a given series of integers, either in the original order or in reverse order.
Rot FALSE List Functions Returns an array containing copies of items from the input list, in a rotated order. The optional Count parameter defines how many items from the input list are included in the returned list.
RotSequence FALSE List Functions Returns an array containing values selected from a given series of integers in a "rotated" order.
SelectRange FALSE List Functions Returns an array containing copies of selected items from the input list.
SetReversalSeed FALSE List Functions Sets the reversal state.
SetRotationSeed FALSE List Functions Sets the rotation state.
SortAsc TRUE List Functions Returns an array containing copies of items from the input list, sorted in ascending order. The optional Count parameter defines how many items from the input list are included in the returned list.
SortDesc TRUE List Functions Returns an array containing copies of items from the input list, sorted in descending order. The optional Count parameter defines how many items from the input list are included in the returned list.
Abs FALSE Math Functions Returns the absolute value of a number.
Atn FALSE Math Functions Returns the arctangent of a number.
Cos FALSE Math Functions Returns the cosine of an angle.
Exp FALSE Math Functions Returns e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to a power.
Int TRUE Math Functions Returns the integer portion of a number.
Log FALSE Math Functions Returns the logarithm of a number.
MaxOf FALSE Math Functions Returns the maximum of two or more values.
MinOf FALSE Math Functions Returns the minimum of two or more values.
Pow FALSE Math Functions Returns the value of a number raised to a power.
Round TRUE Math Functions Returns a number rounded to a specified number of decimal places or significant digits.
Sgn FALSE Math Functions Returns an integer that indicates the sign of a number.
Sin FALSE Math Functions Returns the sine of an angle.
Sqrt FALSE Math Functions Returns the square root of a number.
Tan FALSE Math Functions Returns the tangent of an angle.
BitOr FALSE Misc Functions Performs a bitwise OR on two or more numeric values and returns the result.
BitXor FALSE Misc Functions Performs a bitwise XOR on two or more numeric values and returns the result.
Categorize FALSE Misc Functions Converts the value of a Numeric, Text, or Date value to a Categorical value according to the definition of the specified categorical variable.
CategorizeLoopVariable FALSE Misc Functions Converts the value of a Numeric, Text, or Date value to a Categorical value according to the definition of the specified categorical loop variable.
CreateObject NEVER Misc Functions Creates and returns a reference to an Automation object.
DBNull FALSE Misc Functions Returns a NULL data value for use with ADO.
Decode FALSE Misc Functions Provides the same functionality as an IF-THEN-ELSE statement.
EngineVersion FALSE Misc Functions Returns part or all of the engine's version number.
EqualBand FALSE Misc Functions Calculates a specified number of equal categories (called bands) for a numeric variable and returns the appropriate category for a specified value in the numeric variable.
Eval NEVER Misc Functions Evaluates an expression and returns the result.
EvaluateDerivedIteration FALSE Misc Functions Used by the derived grid feature to look up the value for the variable at the parent level with the same name as the supplied level ID.
Execute NEVER Misc Functions Executes one or more specified statements.
GetInterface NEVER Misc Functions Returns an alternate interface for an object.
IIf TRUE Misc Functions Returns the value passed as the TruePart parameter if the expression evaluates to True, otherwise returns the value passed as the FalsePart parameter.
InputBox FALSE Misc Functions Displays a dialog box containing a specified message, a text box for input, an OK button, and a Cancel button.
IsDBNull FALSE Misc Functions Returns true if a value is a NULL data value that can be used by ADO.
IsElementInversions FALSE Misc Functions Tests whether an element or list exists in all specified versions of a variable.
IsEmpty TRUE Misc Functions Returns True if the value is empty. A string containing no characters or just containing white spaces is considered to be empty. A category list containing no categories is considered to be empty. All other data types are always considered to be not empty.
IsEqualObject FALSE Misc Functions Returns True if two values refer to the same object.
IsNullObject FALSE Misc Functions Returns true if an variable is NULL, without testing the default property of the object being referenced.
IsOneOf TRUE Misc Functions Returns true if a value is equal to at least one of the other listed values.
IsSet TRUE Misc Functions Returns True if an integer value matches a specified mask.
RGB FALSE Misc Functions Returns a number representing an RGB color value.
SampleCategorize FALSE Misc Functions A simple version of the Categorize function that is used with the Sample Reporting MDSC (Phone Reports).
ShellExecute FALSE Misc Functions Performs an operation on a specified file.
Sleep FALSE Misc Functions Suspends the thread in which it is called.
Validate TRUE Misc Functions Validates a specified value based on specified minimum and maximum values and optionally a validating expression.
VarType TRUE Misc Functions Returns a numeric value indicating the subtype of a variable.
VarTypeName TRUE Misc Functions Returns a string indicating the subtype of a variable.


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