Basic Introduction to using the new features: VRef and VarName

VRef and VarName are two new functions we added to SurveyToGo's built-in vast library of functions.

VRef get's a variable name, and returns it's index, for example:

Will return the index of a question which its variable is :"qrc2bc"
This allows you to handle question's scripts with the variable's you configure yourself, rather than the fixed index's given to each question\chapter by the system.

VarName, does the opposite, it gets an index of a question, and returns it's Variable Name you configured, for example:
Will return the variable name of a question indexed 37. 

*Please note that VarName & VRef are for Question Variable Names & Question Indexes only - Answer Variable names \ Indexes will not work with it.

The attached survey (.srv file) has a very basic example using these two new functions.

Here is how to import it into your organization:
How To Import A Survey (SRV File)

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